Feb 03, 2006 19:57
A certain someone says I should update more often. I agree, I am just no good at it. Updating frequently, I mean.
When did pirates get so popular? Is Orlando Bloom responsible for this?
Writing from a bar is proving to be much more difficult than writing from a cafe. I need a drink. Although that probably won't help the quality of my writing any.
My application to the University of Alabama is all submitted and now I just wait to hear how much of my graduate education they can help me pay for. At least I know if the dreams of being a university prof don't pan out, I can fall back on an exciting career in management for the Books-A-Million corporation. Hurrah!
I miss Ziggy.
There seem to be more redheads than usual around today.
God, I am so sorry this sucks so much, Holly. I wanted to entertain you with a good entry, and I fear I have failed enormously.
There is a mother-daughter combo here just rocking out to that song they always play at sporting events, the one where the fans all yell HEY! together. It makes me really wish things were better between me and my mother.
Oh! I know everyone loves to hear about my wacky bookstore customers, so here's a fun one from today. This shaggy aging hippy was buying his copy of this month's High Times from me today, and when I asked if he had a discount card, the following tirade ensued:
Aging Hippy: "Yeah, I broke down and got a damn card...just another way for the damn government to keep tabs on me. I SWEAR, I went into the military, they gave me a damn job I didn't even ask for, and now they spy on me, listen to me, KIDNAP me!!!!.....(unintelligible mumbling)"
Me: "Okay, so your receipt is in the bag, have a great day!"
Aging Hippy: (Unintelligible mumbling trails off) "You have really pretty eyes."
And then he was gone.