Ungodly-Hour Entry

Feb 20, 2007 04:51

Why am I up at such an ungodly hour, you ask? Simple.

I am sick. And I will shout it (if I can shout) from my rooftop because a) I hardly ever get sick, therefore b) I have no patience for it. I want to be unsick RIGHT NOW. But am I being good about drinking fluids and eating ibuprofin? No. Okay, I did drink a good amount of Gatorade (if it's good enough for the Gators, it's good enough for me!) tonight, but I feel like I should be taking better care of myself. I blame it on my lack of practice. Not that I wish to have more practice -- no more sickness.

At least it occured when I was scheduled off work for a good amount of time -- I don't feel too badly for only missing an hour of work. I hope I'm almost 100% better on Wednesday.

In other news -- there is no other news. Have a good week!
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