Cat pics

Apr 26, 2007 16:24

This week I took my cat Oshii to get his picture taken at Petco photography. I've always wanted to get professional photos of him and since this month commemorates his 2nd birthday, it was the perfect excuse to get it done. ^^

The photos turned out really well even though he was really scared and nervous during the photoshoot. First he didn't want to come out of his carrier (I think he thought we were at the vet's), and then he kept trying to walk away and explore the rest of the store.

He became really freaked out anytime we tried to put props by him (he was especially scared of some fake flowers for some reason), and every time we put him in a basket he would jump right out. So there are no cute props in the photos, but I think he's cute enough by himself. ;)

These are just the sample pics, so unfortunately they have a big watermark on them, but I think you can still see how well they turned out.

And just to compare how big he is now (18 pounds!), here he is when he was a kitten (under 2 months old, and under 2 pounds!):

real life

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