A Girl Named Rin

Jul 01, 2006 00:48

Title: A Girl Named Rin
Genres: AR, Romance, Action, Drama, Humor
Pairing: Inuyasha/Rin
Rating: T
Word count: 7,292
Note: Written for lana_jasmine at iy_flashfic.
Summary: In this alternate reality reimagining of Inuyasha, Kagome never falls down the well and the Shikon jewel is never shattered. How does that alter the lives of those in the Feudal Era? And is Inuyasha doomed to stay spellbound to the tree forever? Or will he find hope in the form of an unlikely rescuer?

Links: FanFiction.net / MediaMiner.org / IY_Flashfic

Yay! The writing funk I've been in the past month is officially over! I had a major writing marathon today. I haven't eaten a meal in 7 hours. I just forced myself to sit down and write and not leave the computer until it was done.

A little bit about this fic. You may not want to read this until after you've read the fic, but there's nothing really spoilery.

When I got the flashfic assignment for this, I instantly gravitated toward the Inuyasha/Rin pairing that lana_jasmine chose. For one thing, I've wanted to write an I/R for a while, so this gave me a good reason to sit down and do it.

Of course, how does one get Inuyasha and Rin together? The first scenario that springs to mind is the only one I've ever seen written, which is Sesshomaru dies, and Kagome goes back to the future, leaving Inuyasha and Rin to fall in love with each other. But the thing is, I've seen this written and written well, so why try to recreate that?

The only other thing I could think of was to do an alternate reality wherein Kagome doesn't fall down the well, leaving Inuyasha and Rin to meet each other.

And I found while writing this that Inuyasha and Rin have a lot in common! They both have troubled childhoods. They were both outcasts. They both lost their families at a young age.

And one of the fun things about writing this was figuring out ways to imply what happened to the other characters in this AR scenario without taking the focus off Inuyasha and Rin. Kagome, Sota, Buyo, Kaede, Shippo, Sesshomaru, and Jaken all make appearances.

So, it was a really fulfilling experience writing this one. I think it was a good writing exercise for me, a bit different from what I done before.

If you read it, let me know what you think, even if it's negative, so I can know someone's reading it at least. Thanks. ^^

inuyasha/rin, romance, action, flashfic, rin, drama, alternate reality, oneshot, fanfic, inuyasha, humor

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