Rin's Message and Sesshomaru's Promise Chapter 3

Sep 27, 2005 02:04

Rating: PG
Genre: Drama/Romance
Pairing: Sesshomaru/Rin
Warnings: Character Death
Summary: Rin lays dying, unaware of whether or not her message has reached Sesshomaru. How much longer can she hold on?

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

Chapter Three: The Renewal

Rin was lying down in her home, crimson rays caressing her body through the window as the sun made its final steps toward Earth. The day was almost spent.

“I waited . . . too long to contact him,” Rin thought solemnly. Tears started slowly running down her lined cheeks. “I so wished to see him again,” she sighed. “But what a fool I've been. He couldn't possibly want to see me after all these years.”

A pain pierced Rin's heart like a knife as a new, terrifying thought graced her mind. “Or what if . . . he simply forgot me?”

Rin clutched her blanket desperately with withered hands. “Yes, that's it,” she lamented with resign. “Sesshomaru is the Lord of the Western Lands. He has had many great matters to attend to during all this time.”

Rin started to close her eyes slowly. She could feel the life dripping out of her like sand through an hourglass. Her time was running out.

“He forgot me a long time ago . . .”

Rin's eyes almost finished closing, when suddenly a flash of pink zoomed through the window. Rin opened her eyes abruptly.

“What?” she cried.

It was her beloved pet bird demon. It hopped over to her, cooing softly, and Rin gently stroked its head.

“My dear friend,” she murmured. “At least you've come back to me.” Rin forced a smile. “I didn't want to be alone when I . . .”

But Rin trailed off. In the failing light, her elderly eyes hadn't noticed the gift the bird bore. But as she focused more closely on the bird, she realized there was something tied to its leg. What was it . . .?

Rin gasped as she recognized the object, and a fresh bout of tears flowed from her eyes. It was the most beautiful flower she had ever seen, a luxuriant full bloom with petals of rich, luscious sparkling white.

Rin's heart started pounding in her chest feverishly as she recognized what the flower meant. A new determination began coursing through her veins.

“I must live, just a while longer. I must!”

She was old. She was tired. But she was strong. And so, with great effort, Rin forced her eyes to stay open, and looked toward the sinking sun, the white blossom clutched firmly in her grasp.

Rin breathed.

sesshomaru, romance, sequel, sesshomaru/rin, rin, rin's message and sesshomaru's promise, drama, serial, fanfic, jaken

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