Как известно, CDC и прочие органы здравоохранения утверждают, что можно одновременно вводить сколько угодно вакцин, это совершенно безопасно, и практически никак не влияет на количество побочных эффектов, разве что лишь немного увеличивает риск фебрильных судорог, которые совершенно безопасны.
В ходе очередной
мини-дискуссии с Алексеем Водовозовым
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«There was also a suggestion of an exaggerated cellular immune response to measles antigens in patients (Redd et al., 1999), although more recent studies in rhesus monkeys suggest that the induction of humoral and CD4 T cell-mediated immunity but not cytotoxic T cells directed against viral antigens may be an important factor in the adverse response to subsequent infection with wild-type virus which resulted in the production of extremely high levels of circulating antibody (Polack et al., 1999; Redd et al., 1999). Years after being vaccinated with killed virus, patients who contracted measles were still developing a clinical illness that, aside from the initial symptoms, was quite different from regular measles (Annunziato et al., 1982)»
- много сведений по теме: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK220494/ - туда же молекул. мимикрия, когда «Once activated, self-reactive T cells could expand in number and mature into effector (memory) T cells that have a lower threshold for activation by self antigens. These cells would also gain the ability to migrate to specific tissues, produce additional mediators/cytokines, and to mediate injury on contact with cross-reacting self antigens»…
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