Is Cutthroat Bitch Olivia Wilde? Cause I read spoilers and have no idea who's who

Oct 09, 2007 21:14

House. Spoilers, obviously...

Did Overly Excited Foster Kid just say: "Let's gangbang this sucker?"




Tendency to use descriptions instead of names.

Who knew House and I are kindred souls, huh?

I remember rolling my eyes out at House sticking the knife in the socket but is the genius stupid enough? I think he is.

Foreman's NYC office is fugly.

Go, Cam!

House is intrigued by Thirteen.

Go Chase!

Bird York? Awesome! Also much more believable as a Dean of Medicine, wardrobe-wise. Cause I love Cuddy and everything, but... she kinda dressed like a hooker tonight.

LOL, Wilson! How cute is he being all polite anyway.

"I love you!" Yeah, thanks writers, I really need the extra wank.

Of course the hotter one was going to be Olivia Wilde.

But wait. What? I'm with Cuddy on this one. I know that guy didn't really live life to its fullest, but... WTF? Garbage in, garbage out?

Two weeks from now? OK, that works for me. I can't wait to see how they explain that one.

Yay, mormon guy's in.

tv, house

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