You know what day it is today, flist? It's the day Friday Night Lights comes back!
And even though one of the future storylines worries me a bit (think they're trying to make the show more "exciting"?) I'm still very, very happy.
I'm stealing this article from the FNL comm here on LJ @
fridaynight_tv Matt is the show’s most responsible and moral character, though there was talk of giving him a flaw. “He’s got to have some flaw,” said Gilford. “The writers asked, ‘what do you want? A drug addiction?’ This kid wouldn’t have a drug addiction.”
In the end, the writers couldn’t come up with one so Matt remains flawless for now.
I wouldn't say he's flawless, but come on... He's 17. (Oh, yes... I'm very well aware. I have to keep repeating it to Mrs.B ;) ) He'll have plenty of time to be screwed up, but for now he's busy with the kinds of responsibilites most 47 yr. olds don't handle too well.