1. We had a power outage today so I took a nice walk out for my lunch break. Whoa, this thing called outside world is really out there. And yes, summer is *almost* over, though TV premieres are still far, far away. I need my House and my Office because I like them much better than my real house and office.
2. I've been lethargic today and I don't feel like doing anything this evening either. Maybe I'll go to Walmart, check if they have Friday Night Lights yet and then spend the night with Coach and Mrs. Coach and Matt and his grandma. (That only sounds dirty if you have a really sick, twisted mind.) Oh, I forgot... Tyra too. Those are my favorite people there. We Are Marshall comes out at the end of the month, which means I'll now have TWO football-themed DVDs that aren't really about football, which is great because I don't know anything about it.
3. I spent some time last night trolling the fandom_wank wiki and familiarizing myself with the infamous Harry Potter fandom wank. O.M.G. and sweet Virign Mary! I am SO not touching that fandom. Ever. I finished Azkaban and I liked it so much I'm kinda afraid to start the next one because I don't think it can live up to Book 3.
This is probably familiar to many HP fans, but it cracked me up because everytime the flock whines in our fandom, someone should slap this to their forehead:
How to stay off Fandom Wank for wankers: "The world will not end if not everybody likes the same
slash pairing as you. The world will not end the day your favourite series is
dubbed. The world will not end because 12-year-old girls in cat ears are allowed into your
anime convention. Actually, none of these things will even cause a mild interruption in the world, never mind its end. The world is thirteen thousand kilometres across, weighs six septillion kilograms, and is orbiting the Sun at one hundred and ten thousand kilometres per hour. It takes more than a fandom
squabble to bring about the end of it. Trust me.
Should you find yourself worrying about the fate of the world while involved in a fandom squabble, follow these steps:
- Stop typing.
- Take ten deep breaths. Maybe play some Yanni.
- Ask yourself: will this matter in a hundred years?
- Heck, will it matter in one year?
- Will it even have a bearing on what I eat for dinner tonight?
- If the answer to any of the above is 'yes', turn off your computer and go take a walk before repeating from step one. If the answer to all three is 'no', go on to step seven.
- Either reply treating the subject with only the seriousness it actually deserves, or turn off your computer and walk away. "
4. Bah. Still bored. Give me something to think about, flist.
5. My friend from Georgia still reads my LJ. *waves* It's OK to be shy. Just tell me who you are and WHY you're reading it and I'll stop obsessing about it, I promise. Nervmind who you are. I love that my flist is so internationalized, from Sri Lanka to Uruguay, to Egypt, Poland and Colombia. So you're more than welcome to join them as an official LJ friend if you want to.