(no subject)

Mar 15, 2007 13:38

I'm going to post and run...

See? You can do it.

I'm beginning to suspect the rumors about rewrites after my our bitching about the miniseason are somewhat plausible.

So I really liked this episode even though Claire was disowned by a vegetable and the Others had a badass supertech wall you can just hop over and Claire didn't make sure the cheesy note was waterproof, etc, etc, etc.

I won't go into details now except to say that Kate rocked my world in her scenes with Danielle (Heh. I thought "16 years? Try 16 minutes") and Patchy. She bitchslapped Locke and I loved it. Good God, I'd take another episode with only 30 seconds of Jack (and 30 seconds of Sawyer) to see more of that.

I liked Goth Claire and John Terry ROCKED this episode. Bitchy Auntie Lindsey=Margo. Plus tattoos. Hehe. Jack and Claire will have a lot of stories to swap.

John Locke, I love you, you crazy mofo! It's wrong that I laugh so hard everytime he gets his psycho on, but I do.

I'm planning to hit everyone over the head with my long and windy Theory On Why Jack Is Faking It, but it requires the kind of time I don't have right now. For now, just enjoy the flock's discordant honking about Jack being a selfish bastard and if he's not then being totally boring and conventional and how DARE he NOT be a selfish bastard, etc, etc, etc. Don't engage. Just remind them they honked to the same tune after the I Do promo where Jack tells Ben he wants to go home. And then honked some more that Jack didn't say "Take Sawyer and run" and zomg!he was going to leave Dimples to die... and we all know how that turned out.

But was that an awesome episode ending or what? I laughed so hard every time I hit rewind. Because he WAS in it for only 30 seconds and I needed to see it again and again and again. ;)

I love The Shephard Show! :p

lost, tv

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