They killed our Lord. Are you actually going to trust those people?

Feb 13, 2007 22:05

HEY, FLIST! THE PILOT EPISODE OF FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS IS AVAILABLE ON ITUNES. IT'S FREE. GO WATCH IT. IT'S GOOD EXCELLENT TV. It's also not about football because you know how clueless I am about that and I'm still doing this.

Yes, I'm shouting at you. Would begging you to watch it so I can get a second season work better? Cause I can grovel with the best of them. :)

Things of no consequence first:

1. WTF, LJ? Purple is my favorite color 'n all but I could seriously do without the heart patterns and the Cupid motif.

2.. Exam went OK. I needn't have bothered with studying too much, because this is the easiest of the three tests.

3. I'm already sick of the snow. Like... I'm the last person to say this, but... I miss driving, dudes.

On to the things that really matter:

4.1 The two hours hurt my brain. I missed the first seventeen minutes so I had no idea the blonde chick whom I'd previously suspected of being a CTU agent undercover doublecrossed McCartney, but then again it doesn't matter much because she's dead.

4.2 We can now add electric drill to our list of Fun Things I've Learned From 24.

4.3 Chloe: "You're starting to piss me off!" I wouldn't expect any less from her, but I'd LOVE to hear her say something like that to Jack, just once.

4.4 Man, the whole Fucked Up Family plot is just... Daddy Bauer is so evil, I've almost completely forgotten he used to be Babe's farmer. I'm looking forward to seeing why exactly The Company is worth killing his sons and his grandson because at this point it makes absolutely no freaking sense. He's old. Nobody's gonna inherit it anyway (unless you consider Kim, in which case... shit, I'd sell the whole shebang and donate the money to Al Qaida if he's that bent on keeping her paws of the business he created) and really. WHAT can possibly be worth the life of your children?

4.5 Jack. My heart breaks for you, but at least I know you get to exorcise some demons by blowing shit up and going on righteous shooting rampages. So I can handle it better than I can for my TV Boyfriend. Also, Teh Bauer's going to realize he didn't kill his brother so the guilt will be replaced by manic, ice cold rage when he finds out Daddy is evi.

4.6 Jack+Shotgun=OTP. I have now spent half the season gawking at Jack's jeans, especially when he tucks a gun in his pants. No, I do NOT care about what that says about my psyche.

4.7 I was weirded out as all hell by Jack and Chloe's reunion because it was all... sweet and AWKWARD and... sweet in a non-saccharine way. I DO NOT THINK OF THEM THAT WAY and yet... See why it weirds me out? Because they totally looked like two dorks who'd just disarmed a nuclear bomb together and now were coming to the realization that to them that kind of thing is much better than sex.

4.8 I hope they shoot Marylin in the head at some point within the next hour.

4.9 Josh can't be Jack jr. if Marylin and Jack haven't seen each other in 20 years. So I was right. Right?

4.10 Yeah, Assad was teleported to DC. I've stopped asking those kind of questions about 24.

Liz, how much are you freaking out right now? Cause I am too, although I don't know what freaks me out exactly. I just... this isn't going to end well for Cameron.

So the episode.... I think it's actually kind of cool how the writers don't even want to pretend they're not ripping off Heroes and Claire's powers by casting a 16 yr. old blonde girl.

Foreman. I love you. Major House pwnage there at the beginning and all around awesomeness. Or maybe all TV neuro docs are that way. :D

Wilson. I love you too, though Foreman has the edge cause I also find him drool-worthy.

House. I feel the same I always do about you-clinical emotional detachment, though I adore you as a character.

Cameron. Girl... I'm confused about you, though the fact that you're apparently committment phobic works really well for my AU OTP. ;p

Cuddy looked very fetching during and after her date. She was just gorgeous.

I don't really have any substantial thoughts about the episode or The Moral Dilemma Of The Week because the promo for the next episode broke my brain. Or the fact that there won't BE another episode for three weeks broke my brain. Or both. (Psss, Foreman! Come fix me, please!)

_onebreath thank you SO much for The Office. I haven't had the time to watch it yet, but it's my TV crack so I'm grateful for a fix.

I have two episodes of Heroes, one of Studio60 (last week's. I forgot about it this week) and an Ugly Betty stored on TiVo. I think I'm going to catch up with Heroes tomorrow night in Lost's timeslot. (No, I'm still not watching it live).

I need the weekend already.

PS: Do you think I watch too much TV? :D

tv, house, friday night lights, 24, teh bauer

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