Thank You!

May 31, 2009 17:46

To everyone who sent me messages and left me birthday gifts and pretty things, thank you very, very much! I do know how lucky I am and they do not go unappreciated, even if sometimes it takes me forever to respond on LJ. As you may have seen on Laura's journal, meeting her just a few days before our common birthday has been yet another great flist ( Read more... )

flist love, budapest, globetrotter!me

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Comments 12

polvodestrella May 31 2009, 21:40:01 UTC
Budapest!! *sighs* I wish I could join you both! (damn work, damn life).

I love you bb. Lots.


amantium_irae June 2 2009, 13:02:15 UTC
Damn work indeed! I'm now officially out of paid holiday, but screw it! Going around the continent with friends is priceless. :)

Love you back!


venckman May 31 2009, 22:54:51 UTC
Pictures? Pictures? Hmmm??


amantium_irae June 2 2009, 13:19:26 UTC
Spanish Laura has quite a few in her LJ, the rest are with Agata, but I'll get them in DVD format eventually and then I can spam the world with Jack!doll's adventures. He's coming along this time as well, btw.


venckman June 2 2009, 16:39:32 UTC
Oh yay!

Your pre-Island Jack DVDs are coming, by the way. I got waylaid by work, and I'm a terrible multitasker. But I finally got them done!


iheartmunich June 1 2009, 03:45:52 UTC
Oh my, you are stalking Foxy in Budapest? I hope he's ready!!! You know we all expect a pic of Foxy with Jack Doll, right?


amantium_irae June 2 2009, 13:16:13 UTC
I resent that accusation!!! :O We're cultural tourists and we plan on enjoying the city's most gorgeous sights... Ahem. ;)


upsa_daisy June 1 2009, 11:43:28 UTC
Thank you and Agi for the pretty Lisboa card! :-*


amantium_irae June 2 2009, 13:17:00 UTC
You can thank mostly Agi, she's always so thoughtful and gathering people's addresses off the internet when she doesn't have them handy. We're glad you liked it. :)


marzycielka June 1 2009, 21:04:51 UTC
'Hey, anybody going to be in Budapest a couple of weekends from now? Cause we're going!'

is it this 'next time' I can't have any excuses for? :P well, I'm planning another direction in a few weeks (I'm visiting Berlin in the middle of July) but throw some details my way and I'll see what I can do :). to be honest, I haven't seen as much of Budapest as I'd have liked to ;).

ps. a couple as in 'two' or 'a few'? I always have problems with that distinction :P.


amantium_irae June 2 2009, 13:18:34 UTC
Weeeell... this was a spur of the moment type thing so I suppose you could have excuses for this one...

I've been bugging Agata to take me to Berlin so it's going to happen eventually. As for this weekend, yes, this time it's actually in less than two weeks: the weekend after the next when you guys have a Thursday off.


marzycielka June 7 2009, 12:51:24 UTC
aaaa... I thought I replied already! damn it, sclerosis is settling in, I think *headdesk*. anywho... I tried to calculate the costs and no matter how I look at it, the trip to Budapest would be just a bit too much for my budget at the moment :/.

but if this 'eventually' happens to be somewhere around 16-19th July, I'd love to meet you in Berlin ;).


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