It used to be a goodluck charm in the Middle Ages you know...

May 10, 2009 08:47

I started my trip spectacularly before I left home by losing some money before I even left on my way to exchanging them into Euros. It`s not that much, it`s just annoying. That was the least of my adventures though ( Read more... )

spain, globetrotter!me

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Comments 6

iheartmunich May 10 2009, 10:22:29 UTC
LMAO! Before I flew to Sydney my gran kept asking me if I had checked if the plane would really go to Sydney. And I was like "Grandma, I booked my flight to Sydney it's not going to suddenly land in Adelaide" and yours actually went to Barcelona instead of Girona? Did they change the route or did you just pick the wrong Airport when you booked the flight and didn't notice? That's hilarious!


upsa_daisy May 10 2009, 14:02:14 UTC
LOL. Well, travelling is nothing without a little adventure ;)

When we went to Rome we took the night train, and had tickets for two places in a three people booth. When we went in the conductor wanted to throw me out because apparently, the Italiens have separate coaches for men and women (which, thankyouverymuch, the woman who sold us the tickets didn't seem to know)! Long story short, in the end I could stay because we talked to the other guy who was also in our compartment and he was okay with it. Doh.


iorwen107 May 10 2009, 14:59:01 UTC
haha sounds like you're in for quite an adventure. Well, at least you arrived safely and I'm sure you're going to love the rest of your trip.


juleslovesfoxy May 10 2009, 15:28:43 UTC
Gosh it has been quite eventful so far! I'm sure it will be great when you and Agi are back meeting Laura. Have a lovely time. :-)


polvodestrella May 10 2009, 22:07:20 UTC
Well, well, well, we already met, so not much to add. Just that I'm so glad you're safely sleeping in Girona now *grin*


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