
Apr 22, 2009 15:46

I just applied for a job in Gibraltar. They need my language skillz in the gambling industry ( Read more... )

i'm weird

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Comments 15

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amantium_irae April 22 2009, 12:58:33 UTC
YES. Incentive to actually take it seriously. LOL. It's just a British rock in Spain, but doesn't it sound exotic?


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amantium_irae April 22 2009, 13:03:18 UTC
Yay for moving closer!!! You could come and spend weekends on the beach on the outskirts of the Empire and we would bitch about London weather and have tea.


papper_docka April 22 2009, 13:15:19 UTC
Where?? O.O Where did that come from? LOL Oh, you totally should accept, I'd come visit too. :)


amantium_irae April 22 2009, 13:31:28 UTC
Hee. *kisses your icon* I was actually researching Australia and that's how I ended up on sites for multilingual jobs. The first one that popped up for my language combination was accounting in Warsawa! No, thanks. I'm keeping my supersekkrit accounting skills for when something opens up in Wroclaw. :p

They gamble on all sorts of sports, apparently they place bets on our stupid football games in Singapore, so that's why they need the languages for customer relations. They posted the ad three weeks ago so I'm sure the position's been filled (and I'm not sure I'd relocate in *Europe* in just any conditions, I don't even know what the job is!) but I just had to apply to say I did it.


marzycielka April 22 2009, 13:26:28 UTC
gambling & Gibraltar... I forgive you for choosing this over accounting & Warsaw ;). but it would have been amazing to have you as a neighbor, Clauds. so, if there is ever a position nearby not bound with a subject you hated in school, feel free to apply for it :D.


amantium_irae April 22 2009, 13:33:01 UTC
I'm keeping my account on the site. Who knows... maybe one of these days someone is going to need me in Poland to do... blogging. Or internet research. Ahem. It's a whole new world out there, I'm sure these skills are in hot demand. :p


polvodestrella April 22 2009, 16:07:29 UTC
I died when I read Gibraltar. And I'll die again if you get the job :p And remember, in case you get it, get a gun! They have really good ones at the black market in there ;)


amantium_irae April 23 2009, 07:23:45 UTC
*sigh* I miss that cold hard steel... I'll make sure to find me one if I ever visit. The job was posted ages ago and of course I have no idea they'd even take me, but I just had to click on "Apply" anyway. I'll be on the lookout for more serious offers though.


venckman April 22 2009, 21:38:37 UTC
Just you and a rock and a bajillion monkeys. Sounds like a party to me!


amantium_irae April 23 2009, 07:24:42 UTC
And according to Spanish Laura, the last unpussified corner of Europe where you can buy guns. Oh, wait... that would be us. I can buy them here too except they're crazy expensive.


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