The Adventure Continues

Jun 04, 2006 14:32

1 month 1 week, less than 24 hours.... Ive been gone from the place I once considered home... now I have a new home... a new life, new bars(rave clubs), new hair, new friends, new out look on life. I have spoken to a few from home and and glad to hear that for the mnost part, you are all doing well. Ill be honest, I do hope that occassionaly my girls have thought of me...but then again, we all have busy lives and have a tendancy to remember eachother..; unless something happens to them... But I wanted to point out a few of you that I have been thinking of... and wanted to try(JK) to say something nice about each of you... before that though let me say a few of the things Ive been doing... things that I could not to in McMurray... but that I know that a few of us would have enjoyed to do together... This past week... I was VIP at a few of the clubs in town... no id needed, pay no cover4, sit with the DJS... Fabulous experience...I have been meeting new people everywhere I go, I went and seen the Dragon at the theater, I watched Flamingos, went on a go-cart, that you need a licience to drive(which I dont have :)and basically reaked havoke throughout the city... I know we would all love to do that...


Shelby - Although not always optimistic, you always try to make sure that everyone is having a good time in your precence... you can always make me smile, and help me realize another reason why men suck... never stop smiling hun... and remeber our fabulous road trips to Edmonton, our Snye experience and that Nola cant scramble

Ruth- È Ruthie you came and you bought me a turkeyÈ Theres a memory for you babe.... you are one person that I know who I can intrust telling anything too... You always try to make things right and are always there when you need a friend... to bitch too... to dance with and have guys buy drinks for us... love you beautifull

Lindsey--- I can say but only one thing to you *smiles* SHUT THE F*CK UP (EDmonton trip babe... you do it the best hun)

I just realized that I do not know who else has live journal... and that there is no point in me telling people who wont read this.. what thoughts Ive been having of them.... but you all get the idea ladies... I hope things are going well for you all, and that if you need anything.. feel free to call... Shelby has my number.... I love you all.... Oh and to anyone who has live journal but that I did not write anything too...I love you too... and trust me I have memories that I share with each of you.... some of which we were probably outside on a playground making....

Live Life the way YOU want too... dont let anyone stand in the way of your ambitions, beliefs or sex drive. remember not to do anything that I would not do....

Talk to you all on a later date of my adventure
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