Oct 03, 2006 18:32
I often wonder what is the nature of man? We think, we have a conscience, a soul, and reasoning, but what makes us human? Any of these things, none of these things? I just don't know. I've been hearing the news about a man who drove to an Amish community, went into the school house and shot 12 little girls, before turning the gun on himself. What kind of a human being thinks this is remotely right? What demon was sitting on his shoulder goading him to do it. And what made him do it and take the cowards way out, we'll never know, but we have to live with the results. The family of the 5 girls who did die have to live with it. I wonder, what makes one man a sinner and one a saint, and what makes most of us walk the line, balancing like tight-rope walkers on the edge, never quite falling one way or the other. I have to believe that fundamentally man can be a good species, that we can accomplish great good in the world, but without moral or any sense of right or wrong, we easily get lead astray and fall into a pit of inequity.
The media doesn't help with it always showing the worst in man, from celebrities, to politicians to the common man, always trying to show us at our worst, but sometimes whether they like it or not, someone rises up and shows us at our best. When the riots were going on in L.A. and people were looting and burning and going crazy a white truck driver got caught in the mess, he was dragged out of his cab by several young black guys, they through bricks at him, beat him and it looked like he was going to die, right there on TV, but then a black man came out of nowhere and shielded him with his own body, protecting him from anymore attacks. Apparently he was a preacher from a nearby church and he saw what was happening, he wouldn't move or let them attack him. Thanks to that man, the driver survived. Man at his most noble. Is it faith that makes the difference then? Again, i don't know. I have many friends, some are fervent believers in God and a higher power, like me, but then i have some friends who don't, but they're still my friends, and i'd fight to protect them, would they do the same for me? I'd like to think so.
We aren't born hating, despising one another, or being racist, the circumstances of our lives dictate partly what we will be like, but i have to believe in the end, we have to take full responsibility for what we do, no....it's my dad's fault, or my mom's fault, or life made me this way, or i was being oppressed, we all have to deal with the fact that it's our fault for the evils we do.
Life itself is a beautiful thing, man is what messes it up sometimes if we let him, people try and drag us down to wallow in the pits with us, but i say no. You want to waste your life away, do it alone. I have better things to do.
My birthday is only 6 days away, i'll be 38, it's alot older then i thought i'd get awhile ago, so i have to treasure it, not waste it. I usually end up taking off on that day and disappearing, reflecting on life, the people in it and where it's going. Then i try and come up with a plan to make my life better, fix the wrong things and make it right. I have alot to think about now. Life can be short so we really need to consider how we live it. An actor that i liked Mako, passed away a while back, i didn't even hear of it, which annoys me, because he deserved better then for Hollywood to just blow off his passing like it was nothing. Still he lived a pretty full life, living to 72, and i hope he's at peace, he accomplished alot, and speaking for myself, i won't forget him.
A TV preacher i listen to, Joel Osteen, talks about us wanting more for ourselves, and i have to believe that he's right, i'm tired of being a victim, i want to be a victor. God didn't just make me to get by, he made me with greatness and a need to want so much more, maybe it's time i got off my rear and got it. Whatever the future holds in this new year of my life, i'll do my best to look forward to brighter things, not back. If you keep looking back you'll never go anywhere, i wish some people would learn that. I guess in the end, my nature is to move on....but man's nature, i'll never understand.