Jul 21, 2008 15:38
My A to Z Share--Borrowed from a Friend
- Available: Yup
- Age: 21
- Annoyance: Talking at people, but not talking with people
- Animal: my pup Padfoot (RIP Ootachi)
- Actor: Hmm...I have no single favorite, but I do enjoy Will Smith in most of his stuff
- Beer: Dark, robust ones like Sam Adams, Killian's, etc. And I lika da microbrews.
- Birthday/Birthplace: July 14, 1987 Vancouver, WA
- Best Friends: Right now my bro and cousins, but outside of isolated summer time, Mayra, and while in Japan, I became really close with Anna and Satsu, too
- Body Part on opposite sex: Eyes and smile
- Best feeling in the world: Being wanted
- Blind or Deaf: Blind? I don't know, that's really difficult.
- Best weather: Comfortably warm 70s-80s with sunshine and then a surprise shower at some point
- Been in Love: If I have, I haven't acknowledged it as such, but I'm pretty sure no, excluding one very emotional week in Japan, but nothing came of that.
- Been bitched out?: God bless my mom, but yeah. Oh, yeah.
- Been on stage?: Yeah. Elementary school plays and concerts, band concerts, award stuffs, and a speech I gave in Japan in Japanese.
- Believe in yourself?: 50/50 most of the time, I guess. I do believe that there is something at least guiding me and everything in life, which affects my belief in myself and what I can do.
- Believe in life on other planets: I think it's ridiculous to assume that in all of space and in all the universes, that only Earth produces life. S, in short, yes to life elsewhere as well.
- Believe in miracles: Yes.
- Believe in Magic: I believe in good intentions and thoughts and feelings. I think overall positivity is very powerful.
- Believe in God: Yes.
- Believe in Satan: Not really. If God were the ultimate good by human standards, he'd have an extra 'o' in his name.
- Believe in Santa: Hell, my parents still sign some of our Christmas gifts as from Santa, so why worry about the believing in his bit, as long as he continues (indirectly, through name only) to deliver the goods?
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: I believe in something. I believe that the deep ache inside one's breast is definitely felt in some way by the one who has passed. It's too strong a feeling for a body to deal with alone without the deceased one feeling the heart's sorrow for it.
- Believe in Evolution: Sure.
- Car: Red Toyota RAV-4, 2005.
- Candy: I protest the crappy ingredients in just about all candies. Except for when I'm in Japan. But that's only because I can't read the labels.
- Colour: I appreciate all colors except orange and lime green. Actually, all neon colors can just go and get stranded on a desert island for all I care.
- Cried in school: Heh. I don't cry. I hyperventilate. And I've done that sometimes. Oh, and sometimes I tear up for off-the-wall reasons. But as a rule, I try to never ever cry in public.
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla is very pleasant. Chocolate is like rape. When every time you say 'no', you're really saying 'yes'. That's a little darker than I intended to go with that sort-of joke, but hell, I just watched three hours of Joker last night, so whatevs for now.
- Chinese/Mexican: Chinese.
- Cake or pie: Pie. Cake frosting nowadays is deadly disgusting.
- Country to visit: Korea. I hear they have amazing sushi there, too.
- Day or Night: Day, but I have a perverse desire to stay up all night and ruin myself for the days anyway.
- Dream vehicle: For now, I've got it. I love my Rav.
- Danced: By myself, sure. I'm awkward in crowds. Or really just whenever there are others present at all in any way. I would even be hesitant to dance while talking on the phone with someone miles and miles away.
- Dance in the rain?: Haven't done that yet to my immediate recollection.
- Do the splits?: HA! hahaha! HAHAHAHAHA!!! no
- Eggs: Hard-boiled with wasabi garnish! Yum!
- Eyes: Blue, but deceptively and inexplicably grey sometimes. Last night a dude told me they were green. This is not the case.
- Everyone has a: Nipple. Generally two, but sometimes three. *shudder*
- Ever failed a class? Not yet. o_O
- First crush: Graham Martin back in kindergarten. Then I fell for Tyler, the boy with a rat-tail hair-do. Suffice to say, I broke Graham's heart for the total of one day. Not even a day because we were the morning class and went home around lunchtime or something.
- Full name: Sarah Alisabeth Michael Jane Humphrey
- First thoughts waking up: Thoughts? Lately I've been waking up in complete and utter stupor.
- Food: Fresh veggies and fruit please me.
- Greatest Fear: Being unwanted. Or forgotten. Or just overlooked. Oh, and breaking bones. Those are the ones that apply to me personally. My other, "outside" greatest fears apply to losing loved ones. Or those loved ones breaking bones. UGH, fractures are sickening!
- Giver or taker: I'm more comfortable with giving than I am taking. Well, at least with friends. I feel guilty if I take from them, and I guess I need to work on that. With my immediate family, though, taking is not as difficult because I know they won't get sick of me and cut me off (cut me off in the sense that they would rather sacrifice the relationship).
- Goals: Live in Japan for a while. Become a well-rounded and balanced person. Fall in love, get married, and have a family. Fully develop and share my stories in book format. And if destiny totally loves me, I would love anime adaptations of my works as well.
- Gum: Eh, wintergreen, I guess.
- Get along with your parents?: 90% of the time, yes.
- Good luck charm: Anything to which I can associate a happy memory and a smile.
In guys/girls
Eye colour: Dark brown.
Hair Colour: Darker tones are nice, but I've been known to like blondes and redheads, too.
Height: Taller than me, but ideally no more than a foot or so, I guess.
Clothing Style: I don't have a personal fave or anything, but I'm not too partial to the surfer/beach dude look.
Characteristics: Sense of humor, patient, a combo of confidence and humility, decisive but not overbearing, speaks his mind, open-minded, fair, appreciates all the different sides to my character or at least has the will to bear the less appealing ones, can take a bit of teasing and dish it out, too, when and where appropriate. I could probably go on, but it's not necessary.
- Hair Colour: Naturally, a dark blonde. Currently, red.
- Height: 5'3 last I checked.
- Happy: Not entirely, but getting there.
- Holiday: Christmas. I missed spending it with my family this past winter, and I missed it more than I anticipated I would, so here's to this year!
- How do you want to die? Old and at peace with myself and the world. At the very least, at peace with myself and those I love the most.
- Health freak?: Yeah, but not as staunchly as last year.
- Hate: Breaking/broken bones, spiders, vices that just won't quit.
- Ice Cream: Moose tracks is always fun. Celestial Seasons does some really yummy ones like Hazelnut Fudge or Dream or something like that.
- Instrument: Cornet and trumpet long ago. A very little bit of piano as well.
- Jewelry: Anything my grandpa and dad have given me. And anything from Patsy, too.
- Job: Student/baby-sitter/plant-waterer/tutor
- Kids: Please, God, make me fertile!! 'Cuz I want three! Three of each!! Wait, what?
- Kickboxing or karate: I've done karate, haven't done kickboxing, so I don't know.
- Keep a journal?: No. ... I hope someone get my joke there.
- Longest Car Ride: Drove with my dad and brother from Washington state to Owensboro, Kentucky when we moved. Mom and Conner took a plane.
- Love: is a deck of cards. We're each dealt a different hand, and all are equally good.
- Letter: I'll go with B for now. I like the English language. I think it's fun. And 'b' words are fun. Like bumble. And boggle. And bamboozle. How playful these all are! Bitch isn't always playful, but it's fun to use, too.
- Laughed so hard you cried: No, but I laugh damn hard anyway if something's really funny. (Oh, sort of completely unrelated, guy I met last night through friends started telling a story. Opening sentence? "Well, I was poopin'..." I enjoyed that immensely. Still do, in fact. Potty humor isn't the only kind of humor, and it's not perhaps the best, but it's frickin' funny, man.)
- Love at first sight: I don't know. It hasn't happened to me.
- Milk flavor: I don't like my milk flavored.
- Movie: I have several, but I have to go with LotR. Perhaps one day I'll grow out of it, but seriously, no other movie or series of movies provides as many emotional impacts as the Rings trilogy. I always tear up and can barely breathe during RotK when Eowyn and Merry get ready to charge into battle with the rest of the forces. Oh, my God, that's a powerful scene.
- Mooned anyone?: Maybe my brother when I was very little and didn't care.
- Marriage: I really hope so.
- Motion sickness? Rarely, but it has occurred once or twice.
- McD’s or BK: Neither.
- Number of Siblings: Two younger brothers: Morgan and Conner.
- Number of Piercings: 3. The two standard ones, and then one at the top of my left ear. I hope to have two more ear piercings by the end of the summer, though.
- Number: 714--my birthday time!
- Overused Phrases: "Skyawz me." (a weird version of 'excuse me') "Wait, what a minute?" (I try not to say this in front of people, but it happens.) I'm sure I am guilty of others, but I can't think of them at the mo'.
- One wish: To keep all my loved ones safe.
- One phobia: Broken bones. Earlier this summer I nearly sprained my ankle, and it's not that it hurt terribly, but I started sobbing from the realization that I almost could have really hurt a bone. *deep shudder*
- Place you’d like to live: It would be fun to live in Chicago for a while. Japan, too, of course.
- Perfect Pizza: The kind I try and fail to make for myself and others.
- Pepsi/Coke: Neither.
- Quail: Cute little birds that run really fast. My uncle hunts them sometimes. And then cooks and eats them. I've eaten them, too, once. Doug had a fantasy that he was a super-hero named Quail Man.
- Questionaires: Waste of time, but fun. Probably no one else will ever read this.
- Reason to cry: Loneliness.
- Reality T.V.: I love Project Runway and Jon and Kate Plus Eight. Not too big on anything else right now, though.
- Radio Station: Hot96!!! My favorite morning show duo Booker and Sara are leaving, though!!! TEARS!!!
- Roll your tongue in a circle? Wait, what? I don't know. Maybe. I'd have to see it to know that this means. I have an idea, but I'm not for sure.
- Song: I have several, but I'm, still in love with Justin Timberlake's "Love Stoned."
- Shoe size: 7.5 or so? I have tiny feet.
- Salad Dressing: I like my salad naked and bare, baby! I'm wild like that!
- Sushi: Love it! Ikura and hamachi and ika, yumyum! (Salmon roe, not sure what it is in English, and squid.)
- Skipped school: Hm. I usually only did that while I was still "sick." Like, I would get sick, recover in two or three days, and then milk a week out of the recovering process. So kind of skipped.
- Slept outside: First and last time I ever remember doing that was in Japan on a beach. It was sweet.
- Seen a dead body? Yes.
- Smoked?: Nope. And I've no plans to ever do so.
- Skinny dipped? As a kid probably doesn't count.
- Shower daily? 98% of the time, yes.
- Sing well?: I don't have range when I sing, but there is a range to how well I sing on any given day. Sometimes I'm not bad.
- In the shower? Still talking about singing, right? Cuz I used to sing in the shower. Now I hum sometimes, but usually not. I do most of my singing in the car.
- Swear?: No. ... I hope someone got that joke, too. Because flat-out lies are funny.
- Stuffed Animals?: Yeah. My two faves are Simba and WeeWee. WeeWee is a little bear my uncle gave me when I was little, and his tag said he was a "Wee Bear," thus the name WeeWee.
- Single/Group dates: Depends. I'd be up for any kind of date, though, right now.
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Blueberries.
- Scientists need to invent: A machine to make a person fly independent of big, heavy contraptions and crap. I just want to be able to jump up and fly up into the air if I wanted.
- Time for bed: Oh, dear, this is quite variable right now. Let's just settle for "late." Or in the case of the past twenty-four hours, not at all.
- Thunderstorms: Like them very much until they become dangerous and a threat to my home and family.
- TV: Jon and Kate Plus Eight, but not watching much TV right now. Will probably catch up and start watching Project Runway at school.
- Touch your tongue to your nose:? No. *pout* I can fit a great deal of my fist into my mouth, though. That's pretty whorey.
- Unpredictable: Centre students' schedules. Good Lord.
- Vegetable you hate: Potatoes. I'm pretty sure that's a veg.
- Vegetable you love: Broccoli, peas, carrots, cauliflower, bell peppers. I like many many many.
- Vacation spot: Alaska!!
- Weakness: Insecurity.
- When you grow up: I want to be a writer and a mom. I don't know what else I might do yet, though.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Anna and Mayra.
- Who makes you laugh the most: my family, Taylor, Clay, Travis, Anna--actually, a ton of people, and I can't name them all.
- Worst feeling: No control.
- Wanted to be a model?: Yeah, sure.
- Where do we go when we die: I thankfully do not know the answer to this question. I really have no idea.
- Worst weather: Burning hot and hella humid.
-X-Rays: Have had them for my back and stuff. MRIs, maybe. I didn't love them.
-Year it is now: 2008.
-Yellow: A color I don't hate, but it looks atrocious on me. Or I look atrocious in it. Take our pick. They both work.
- Zoo animal: Really big stuff. Or newborns. I don't have a fave animal, really. The reptiles and insects were also creeptastic, though.
- Zodiac sign: Cancer. Not too inspiring, that one.
1. Slept in a bed beside you? Not sure about a bed, but the last person I slept beside under a kotatsu was Anna. And maybe Satsu did for a while, but she might have left to sleep at her apartment. I can't remember. It was, like, three or four in the morning.
2. Last person to see you cry? I don't know. I can't remember the last time I cried. A big one that comes to mind was in front of my family at a Japanese restaurant about a month or two after I got back. I really missed Japan, and the restaurant, though nice, was way too big in every way and so lacked the subtle Japanese touch that I just wanted to crawl under the table and disappear.
3. Went to the movies with you? Sara, Kevin, and new guy Robert.
4. You went to the mall with? Maybe possibly hopefully after tomorrow, Madz, 'cuz I broke my earring jumping into the pool yesterday and need to go to Hot Topic to buy a few more.
5. You went to dinner with? Sara
6. You talked to on the phone? the lady whose plants I watered
7. Made you laugh? Mom.