My Brand of Delightfully Dumb

Jul 17, 2009 00:21

Generally, if there is something that just shouldn't be said, I am the last to know, but the first to say it.

Case in point:

Me: *straightening CDs in the giftshop, take note of one of the covers of a Doc Watson CD, feel moved to look at the rest of his CDs*


Me: *puzzled look*

Me: Hey, Scott?

Scott: Yeah?

Me: I have a question for you.

Scott: Yeah?

Me: *holding up a full hand of Doc Watson CDs*

Me: Is Doc Watson blind, or does he just like to squint a lot?

The answer?

Yes, Doc Watson is blind. He's been blind from infancy. He became a great musician, and so on all of his CD covers, he's got his customary squint going on, but I swear to you it just looks like he's really getting into the music he's playing. So that is why I am delightfully dumb. I say "delightfully" because my own idiocy makes me laugh. I hope you get a chuckle, too. : )

See?  Squinting or blind?  It can be hard to tell.  : )

work, museum, friend, bluegrass, funny story

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