Apr 14, 2009 03:04
What I have done today:
--Slept well and had a decently well-rounded dream.
--Went to history class.
--Began a new chapter to my fanfic. (And came up with a couple of ideas to come along later! Yay!)
--Went to the gym.
--Got 20oz. iced decaf coffee. (Om nom nom.)
--Went to chem. and was overcome with apathy less than ten minutes in.
--Sat in car in parking lot and sang. Because I could. (Though I pretended to be talking on my cell phone whenever anyone came walking by and made me feel awkward and embarrassed.)
--Took a shower.
--Remembered I had signed up to give blood today.
--Checked appointment time: 4:45pm.
--Checked clock time: 4:30pm.
--Dried my hair really fast.
--Ran off to get blood drawn.
--Turned into a huge ninny once I got there. Apparently I am a'feared of needles, which isn't new, but I didn't realize before just how wuss I am about it. I mean, I still did it. I wasn't going to NOT do it. (But I don't think I would have been sad if they up and turned me away.) Anyway, they asked me, "Do you want to know when we stick it in, or not know?" And I just sat there, staring at the wall, looking anywhere but at my arm, and said after a long pause, "I don't know." Useless. F***ing useless. And when they asked if I wanted them to put a towel over my arm so I didn't have to look at it, I giggled nervously/giddily and said 'no' and they put one over it anyway. Shoko was my lifesaver throughout, though--she kept me calm and entertained and laidback, and even though I could have survived the tortureImeanhelpfulserviceforthegoodofothers by myself, it definitely helped to have her there.
--Got rather pissed that the two guys who came in AFTER ME got done and left BEFORE ME. Damn slow-pumping blood. >:(
--Went to Chowan with Shoko, walking in the freak thunderstorm that decided to hit sometime during my tortureImeanawesomeawesomeserviceopportunity.
--Went back to room and finished RICE Symposium presentation speech.
--Sent irritated joking e-mail to professor about how he can't be bothered to return his e-mails over the weekend (holiday or no), but that I needed help with RICE Symposium thingamajig and wanted him to read over it and give me feedback.
--Within half an hour received a reply from same professor who can't be bothered to return e-mails for several days. My timing is ass. FML
--Realized I left out an important section of my RICE presentation, but don't feel like writing it up just then or e-mailing professor about it because really? That looks needy.
--Sat around and watch old DB and DBZ episodes to compare English dub with Japanese dub.
--Went to work. Read. Goofed off talk with Carol. Discovered my life-force-giving arm's puncture was blue and knobby and started giggling fretfully. (Honestly, I took one look at it and had to look away, at the same time starting up with the nervous laughter.) Read s'more. Found out I have an annotated bibliography due TOMORROW and not THURSDAY. Wrote up two responses to short stories to workshop tomorrow. Had a paper conference with a guy about to lose his shit. Got him out in fifteen minutes, just in time for closing, so woohoo. Oh, and helped the dude come up with a thesis. (It's the spring semester, dude. Gotta get with The Thesis groove already.)
--Walk back to Breck with Carol. That's the kind of stuff I will miss after graduation. : - /
--Got to work on annotated bibliography. Which took at least 2.5 hours. Grar.
--Wrote up the important part of my RICE presentation I forgot to do earlier.
--Send it in an e-mail to professor along with idiot admission that am nervous and don't want to make an ass of myself with this presentation. Guh.
--And now? Writing an LJ entry.
--And after? Checking web stuff.
--And after that? Yeah, at some point I'll go to sleep. Maybe watch some TV first. Or at least find something to fall asleep to.
spring term,
funny story