Props to Candi for This Survey--Hope You Feel Better Soon, Babe : (

Feb 17, 2009 20:15

 45 things
 1. Do you like blue cheese?  Sometimes

2. Have you ever smoked cigarettes?  A couple times.

3. Do you own a gun?  Not I, but my parents have a couple.

4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Starbucks?  Why add flavor when the bean is ambrosia?

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Yeah, because I’m always afraid they’ll make me get naked.  Or hurt me.

6. What do you think of pickles?  American ones are okay sometimes, and Japanese ones are awesome always (except during Osogatsu)/

7. Favorite Christmas movie?  A Christmas Story, probably.

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?  Coffee if I can.  Water if I can’t.

9. Can you do push ups?  Yes.

10. What are your favorite pieces of jewelry?  The ones given to me by family or friends.  I like to wear things that have memories attached.

11. Favorite hobby?  Exercising with kickass music to jam to.  That, or going for walks maybe.  Or exercising with a good book to read?  Or solving sudoku puzzles?  Gah!  This is a toughie…

12. Do you have A.D.D?  No.  And I might be the only person who doesn’t claim to.  (Not criticizing people who legitimately do, but a ton of people legitimately don’t either but insist that’s what it is and just a lack of will power to work actually focusing on shit for longer than 30 seconds at a time.  Damn.)

13. What's one trait you hate about yourself?  How much I criticize myself.  Sometimes it’s needed, sometimes it’s not.

14. Middle name? As always, which one?  Alisabeth, Michael, or Jane/Jean?

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I have just contracted a string of blank thoughts.  I like my ability to have blank thoughts.  It is nice to have a blank mind sometimes (but not all the time).

16. Name 3 things you bought today? Coffee.  And, um, I printed two things from a school computer, but…I already paid for those printer dollars.

17. Name 3 things you drink daily.  Water always.  Coffee generally.  Tea sometimes (more so when I have a nearby stove to boil water).

18. Current worry?  My JET interview.

19. Current Dislike?  A bitch from the England trip who just keeps popping up somehow-GO AWAY, YOU TWO-YEAR-OLD IDIOCY-SPOUTING BABY!!

20. How did you bring in the New Year?  Staying with a couple of my parents’ friends, and by going iceskating with Shoko, Jim, Lauren, and Ted!

21. Where would you like to go?  Chicago!

22. What's your most expensive clothing item?  I don’t know.  My prom dress from high school?  I don’t keep tabs on prices because I generally don’t drop a shit ton on clothes.

23. Do you own slippers?  Yes.

24. What shirt are you wearing?  A white tanktop.

25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?  I don’t know if I ever have.  I don’t know fabrics for shit.

26. Favorite color?  I hate this question.  I never have a single answer.  Plus, who cares?

27. What's your favorite pair of shoes?  It depends on the outfit usually, but I wear my sneakers just about everyday because I’m too lazy to change shows (much less my outfit) before going to the gym.

28. What songs do you sing in the shower?  None in particular.  Sometimes I hum, but even that I do rarely.  I mean, c’mon, it’s a dorm shower.  I am not going to be the bitch who wails away in the shower.

29. Favorite food?  It depends.  Right now I would say the Banana & Nut Bear Naked granola.

30. What's in your pocket right now?  My current outfit sports no pockets, I’m afraid.  Or if it does, I haven’t found them yet.

31. Last thing that made you laugh?  Crap, I actually have no idea.  I know I laughed not too terribly long ago, but the impetus is not at all coming to mind.  EDIT: Dr. Weston just made me laugh.  He's considering changing his Social Structure syllabus by swapping out one of the current books to fit in one that my dad recommended to him.  If he does change his syllabus, that would be so awesome.  XD

32. Favorite sheets?  Clean ones?

33. Worst injury you have ever had?  The hairline fracture in my jaw freshman year from my car accident.  My big red eye was more noticeable, though.  But my least favorite injuries are sprained ankles.  If it keeps me from moving easily, I am not at all a happy camper.

34. Do you love where you live?  I’m okay with it.  I don’t love the people on my hall, but I like a good few of them.  But considering I will probably (hopefully!) be living in an apartment complex with a ton of Japanese people this fall, then, yes, I like the community here.  (Not that I don’t want to live around Japanese people, but I definitely like that I have so many friends so close by.)

35. Do you and your siblings ever buy the same things to wear?  Um, no, because they’re teenage guys.  (I do have some of Conner’s old shirts, though, which I keep and wear because they’re comfy and I love him.)

36. How many TVs do you have in your house?  Uh…I’m counting…all the TVs, or just the ones that work?  Because if it’s just the ones that work, then…Conner’s, my parents’ new one, their old one, the kitchen one, the guestroom one, and the family room one.  So 6.  Damn.

37. Who is your loudest friend?  I don’t know.  All my friends can be and are loud sometimes.  But I don’t really keep loud-all-the-time people as close friends.

38. How many dogs do you have?  Just the one, and he’s all I need.

38. Does someone have a crush on you?  Read entry before this one oh wait I didn’t bitch about that part yet: GUYS WHO DON’T ALERT YOU TO THE STATE OF THEIR LIKING YOU CAN GO SUCK IT!!!  That’s another reason Centre dudes piss me off.

39. What is your favorite book(s) or author?  I hate/love this question because I can never answer it or don’t feel like typing them all out.  See my facebook profile if you care.

40. What is your favorite candy?  There’s no candy I can’t live without.

41. Favorite Sports Team?  I laugh in your face for asking.

42. What songs do you want sung at your funeral?  Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel” because that song was played at my grandpa’s funeral.  Plus, it’s so beautiful that even people who don’t like me would still end up crying if they went to my funeral.

43. What were you doing 12 AM last night?  Working on my short story.

44. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke this morning?  I had absolutely no idea where I was or what I was doing this morning when my alarm went off.  I was confused as hell.

45. Favorite place to be?  With Conner, Morgan, my parents, and my puppy.

Also, as I just went though this, I noticed there are two #38s?  What the hell??
And yeah, this was not a productive way to spend my time at all...

survey, candi

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