Nov 25, 2007 19:33
so i ma at work and we are getting stuff done. the vet where i work is open from 5 to 7pm for people to come and get their dogs and cats and some may drop some off.
these people come to get their full grown dalmation dog. i ask if they had a leash and collar and they didnt so i said i will walk you out so i can help you get the dog and the food in the car and get my lead back. (our boss is a nazi about the leads)
they said ok and the lady gets the huge bag of food and puts it in the car. and then they get snippy with each other and the lady says get the dog in the car and the guy says he had to pee. he is just standing there. i so i say where do you want the dog. now the lady and the huge abg of food are int he back seat. and he says to me " in the trunk". i thought he was kidding and a girl i work with was passing and she heard it and kinda took her time getting to the front door to see what was going on. she couldnt beleive this either. the guy said the back seat was down. i stopped and was in shock. so the guy lifts the dog in the trunk and i look in and see the back seat is NOT down.
i looked at my coworker and was like are freakin kidding me. so i got the leash and she said thank you and i walked away seriously livid. i get into the building and tell everyone what just happened. i wrote a note on the clients account and for my boss. apparently, according to my manager, there is nothing i can do or say in those sorts of situation.
what the hell are you supposed to do then. then the dog go back to an abusive home?
god today sucked ass