Jun 06, 2013 02:22
i want to remember for as long as i may, to remember how thankful i am to my dear God for what you have done for me. i often forget to say thanks, especially when things go wrong. but today, this week, this month... i wanna rejoice in how wonderful you have been to me.
Almost 3 years back when i first joined Maris Stella, i told you that i will be thankful for helping me leave my other workplace and getting me out of that tough situation. i was so glad to be part of a family where moral values were taught and academics weren't top priority. i was so glad to meet wonderful colleagues even though there were politics being played out amongst some. i was so thankful to have SIster Anne as my principal who understand and appreciated our efforts. well, that didn't last long...
after a year, Sister Anne left... she stepped down as principal, left the convent, everything started heading the downward spiral. the family i once was thankful for eventually split up. more than half left... i saw no point in staying on. there was no leader, too many changes, politics worsened. i tendered my resignation and waited for December to approach. but as the 2 months went, i felt something pulling me back to the school. maybe the children, maybe the remaining staff that are/were wonderful, maybe the environment and comfort level... but either way, somehow you brought me back. i took back the letter and stayed on.
at the start of the year, things went by pretty alright but of course, it didn't last very long. one of my closer colleagues left... another (whom asked me to stay) got somewhat forced to leave. i began to question why i chose to stay in the first place. parents were upset with the management but it didn't seem that changes were gonna take place. emotions started running high. hope was dim. plans to resign started building up.
till... Sunday. good news was delivered! there would be changes made. & suddenly, it all made sense that you had the foresight to plan everything in your perfect timing. as an individual, i couldn't comprehend your plan for my future. i felt so silly for taking that step of faith to stay on yet little did i know you had something planned for me. i often hear sermons preach about having faith and trusting in you because you see the bigger picture, yet i failed to apply it. now i understand... & i thank you for everything you've done. while the changes may not necessarily be good/bad, i shall take that step of faith again and trust in your guidance. it may not be easy but i shall try...
thank you once again for being so wonderful & kind towards me. i dont deserve it especially since i started having doubts... but u never left me. thank you! <3