Dec 31, 2011 01:07
just wanted to note down the things that took place in 2011. not things, maybe events? carved memories? meh. along those lines.
1. it started off with GLADNESS in my heart that i was going to be working at a new kindergarten. a better environment, for sure. i was just really thankful to be in a better place and with good mentors whom i am still very thankful for. took over Anthurium AM as a class teacher shortly after 2-months in Periwinkle. was super nervous & worried that i wouldn't be able to handle a class of 24 children but thank God for my co-teacher, Aurora! <3 she and i worked together to organise the class and it was & still has been great having her as my colleague.
2.celebrated CNY with my family @ west coast park this year w/o any visitations and it was pretty special (though no $$ to collect luh, hurr)
3. went to Hong Kong with Daniel & brought him around. he didnt fall in love with HK cuz of its high standards of living which is pretty similar to S'pore. but i likeeeee. heehe!
4. WE DID IT AGAIN! (: organised KLKK 2011 after three years, with more helping hands this time. we probably did the best we could & changed things up! THUMBS UP to Darren Chia, Geoff, Ruth Yap, Sokyin & Friedemann for the awesome work!
5. celebrated NDP with Daniel once again & i won tickets for my family, yipppeee! :> thank God that i live in S'pore! people Singaporeans need to realise how well taken care of they are... train break down only make so much noise, we be lucky our trains dont derail and kill us. taxi increase price also wanna boycott (how many times can we atually NOT take taxi IF we try to be punctual? silly.)
6. pressing on... TAHAN-ED all the 3pm-7pm lectures&tutorials&assignments till late August and FINALLY graduated with another piece of certificate. it may seem silly to "downgrade" to a diploma but i'm enjoying what i do! (:
7. started full-time in MSK and i thought i could "rest" since i wasn't so busy with school but NOPE, started helping out with school events like sports day, & graduation concert. ji tiring yi sia.
8. agreed to go back to INNOTREK to do a Spore-Msia camp over my birthday with JK. of course the campers were great!!! <3 i just didnt enjoy the company of the trainers as much as i used to and i doubt i'll be going back anymore. it's just different.
9. then came pandamania. a VBS camp i agreed to take charge of in.... May? if i could turn back the clock, i would have started planning things earlier and pushing people to work on their parts earlier. it was a bit last minute & def could have done better in managing it. but anyway it's overrrr, THANK GOD for all the youth who agreed to help out one way or another. THANK GOD for the beautiful souls who attended the camp & enjoyed themselves. may these memories serve as little seeds to plant the plan of salvation. <3
10. LASTLY, THE ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE. this was a super last min trip to Bangkok and I LOVE SQ PROMOTIONS WHOOHOOOO. $180/- for tickets to bangkok during a peak period on a non-budget flight = WINNER! i still <3 bangkok. such an awesome trip with Daniel. (:
top 10 events that happened in 2011. 2012 is gonna be jam-packed with various commitments and i certainly pray that i'll manage my time well & enjoy doing them. im lookin' forward to my BTT test & getting to drive a car (even if it's just practice srsly!!), picnic with linC (which i feel like cooking up my mushroom&bacon dish but see the response first), & seeing my new class of children. JI EXCITING LEH 2012, WO YAO GET A HEARTATTACK. k good night! ENJOY THE LAST DAY OF THE YEAR. WHOOOOPIE. (((: