
Jan 18, 2010 12:09

First day of the spring semester! ...Holy hell, after this semester I'll be halfway through college already.

Guess what? Quotes have actually been updated. Might post something more substantial later, idk.

(x-posted from the main adiml comm)
This is my Friday, January the 8th. It was the day before my sister's birthday, so we had a nice little family celebration that evening. It was also a typical winter break day: that is, it was pretty lazy!

Excuse the lateness in posting, and without further ado, here's my day in 66 images total.


Yeah, that's close enough until I get my face washed.

I say good morning and goodbye to my mom, who is getting ready for work. Normally she would've left by now, but she works as a teacher's aide in a local elementary school and there was enough snow in the middle of the night that they got a two-hour late opening.

I made my bed and threw on some clothes while I was at it.

Gotta check up on what happened in LJ-land while I was sleeping.

I get thoroughly distracted with Sims stories, and soon it's eleven. Eep, and I had a lot of stuff I needed to get done that morning, too.

Give my face a good washing. I loooove this stuff so very much.

Downstairs, I put the TV on something random for some background noise while I make my breakfast. Ever since my cat died last November, for some reason I get really skittish being home alone.

A smidge of coffee. Half-caf, since it's so late and I try to watch my caffeine intake.

My dad made a bazillion waffles the previous weekend, so I pop one in the toaster. I manage to get it a little too done, oops.

Back upstairs, I put on some nice music...

...and read the fic update of a friend of mine.

After that, it's time to work on my sister's birthday gifts. All of our wrapping paper is stored in the guest room closet, so I park in there to work. And What Not to Wear is on! :D

The beginnings of my sister's present. She said she wanted one of those nice coffee tumblers you get at Target, so I decided to get her one of the ones where you can take the insert out and decorate it yourself. I put together a bunch of Photoshopped representations of some of our various inside jokes. (We have many, many inside jokes...)

Since I don't have a crafty bone in my body, I'm a little nervous as to how this is really going to come together.

Everything's all assembled. Now I have to get that insert into the tumbler itself.

The finished result!

I'm quite pleased with how it came out.

...Only, now I have to clean all this up.

At least HOUSE HUNTERS is on!

I wrap up my sister's other gifts. Haha, my mom and I were out shopping when we saw that Disney Princess paddle-ball thing and we were like, "MUST GET."

Unfortunately, my suckiness at crafts translates into a suckiness at wrapping presents. In my defense, though, it was that really floppy cheap wrapping paper that folds up everywhere but where you want it to.

Timecheck when I'm finally done with all that, phew!

Step outside to get the mail. It was COOOOLD out there!

Oh yeah, and my sister had also asked me to make her a new desktop wallpaper for her birthday. So I boot her computer up, put the wallpaper on, then turn it back off, knowing that she'll turn it on just about as soon as she gets home from school.

You are never too old for chocolate milk and lunchables.

I play a little Sims while I eat.

While this is going on, I get a text from my friend Liz from school.

This was her reply to "how are you doing?" Typical Liz.

I go downstairs to throw my trash away and the state of the sink makes me frowny.

All better!

My whole family gets home from work/school at the same time...

...And they all pose for me for no apparent reason, lol.

My sister's reaction to her wallpaper. XD

We head out for an early dinner!

At this place, omnomnom!

I don't take any pictures of dinner itself, but here's a picture of my sister's leftover box art.

My breath is all kinds of nasty, so I take care of this. And my sister is yelling things from her room, which made me laugh at the same time.

My mom and a disembodied hand decorate the cake.

While I contribute by flipping through my mom's Entertainment Weekly. I lol uproariously at item seven on that list.


Presents are opened. That's some hardcore paddle-ball right there.

She also gets a Beatles hoodie from my parents.

And she gets this, too!

We give it a try.

And my dad makes me some decaf somewhere along the line.

Hoth is kind of hard, so we pop in Guitar Hero instead.

I take a whack at it. I'm pretty awful at it, but it is fun.

There's a clearer shot of my sister's anti-Twilight shirt, in case you couldn't make it out. XP

Cake time!

After cake, we decide to give the new Nancy Drew game I got her a try. (Don't hate, those games are a blast.)

This is when we stop.

This is also the point where I decide I smell and maybe I ought to remedy that.

Some happy music.

Chat with Daisy a little while...

...get sucked into That-Website-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named....

...and write a little fanfic. Good evening, in my book!

Set my alarm for the next day -

- and get ready for lights out.

Upon taking this picture I realize how sleepy I really am, so it's sleep time for real not shortly thereafter.

And there you have it. As always, thanks for looking! ^^


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