What a lousy ending to an otherwise good day. ._.; Let's just say.... I was a big blubbery mess earlier, because of all these things, one of which being the House season finale, which I finally caught up with (yeah, "sad" doesn't even begin to describe it), but more about that later.
There's this big English group project and it counts as our final exam grade, and like... I should really be working on that now, but I just don't care anymore. XD; I have to finish this week, then next week, then the week after that I take my finals, and I'm pretty much done then. Gah.
Not to mention nobody in my group seems to really care either. And if they don't care, then it's kind of hard for me to care, you know?
So, I ended up beating Apollo Justice last night. Some thoughts behind the cut.
uh.... not much else to say lol.
Also Kristoph is terrifying. D: Especially his Nervous TicTM. I was like, "*percieve mode* Hum de dum, where is it, hmm hm, probably somewhere in his hand, maybe his finger twitches or something - hey wow, look at that gigantor scar on his hand DEAR GOD WHAT IS THAT."
So um.... correct me if I'm wrong, but now there's nothing *really* keeping Phoenix from trying to become a lawyer again, right? I mean, Kristoph will have a trial for the poisoning of the Mishams first, but... at that trial, it'd probably be proven that he was the one who had that diary page forged, and not Nick, right? So what's stopping Phoenix from taking the bar exam and becoming a lawyer again, besides his reputation? And the Jurist System thing is bound to help with that, right?
Now don't get me wrong; I'm not one of those "AJ sucks because it's not Phoenix" people. I don't want any AJ wank. I'd be fine with three games starring Apollo. I just absolutely adore Phoenix as a character...and I dunno, I just wanna see things turn out well for him. I don't want to get my hopes up for GS5, but... I'm getting my hopes up for GS5. XD;
....You know what drove me crazy about AJ, though? The names. So many of them had such vague pronunciation! I mean...'Trucy' is a strange name, but it's pretty obvious it's supposed to rhyme with 'Lucy'. But... 'Lamiroir' (who I kind of actually love a lot)? My sister and I would be really silly and just say it "Lamihrorrororor". Like Gongagagagaga.
And I have this feeling that I've been saying 'Klavier' and 'Daryan' wrong all this time. XD;
Also I finally got caught up with the two parter season finale of House. I watched part one yesterday, and part two today.
So, the premise of the finale is there was this horrific bus crash and House was on the bus, and he suffered a concussion and can't remember the night's events. This is bad because he remembers seeing something that he calls a "weird symptom" exhibited by somebody on the bus, and he feels he needs to remember the symptom and find this person because if he doesn't, they'll die.
I was really skeptical, I'll tell you that right now. That's why I didn't bother watching it and why I didn't get around to it for over a week. I thought it was just gonna be another one of those episodes that's like, "o noez House is hallucinating/tripping/dreaming/flashbacking CAN HE SAVE THE PATIENT ANYWAY!?!?!?" They do that aloooot on House, to the point that it's often kinda annoying.
But part one... it was good. Real good. They put a lot of thought into it, into showing what was going on in House's head as he's trying to remember what happened. And he's doing all these crazy things to himself to try and jog his memory - I mean, he's endangering himself since he hit his head so hard he broke a bone in his skull. And nobody can understand why he's risking his life to figure out what's wrong with this person who might even be a figment of his imagination to begin with - not even House himself.
In his hallucinations/dreams, there was this one girl who kept appearing and giving him cryptic hints about the identity of the person House needed to save. At one point we see this strange woman is wearing a necklace of like, a bug fossilized in amber. She asks House what her necklace is made of, and he's just like "Pff resin."
And we're all just like, "AMBER, HOUSE, IT'S AMBER"
And the girl asks him again about her necklace and again and again, and he finally figures out it's amber - that is, the person who he needs to save, who was on the bus with him, is Amber, aka one of the candidates for one of the three fellowship positions, aka Cutthroat Bitch, aka Wilson's girlfriend to whom he is extremely devoted.
.... Yeah.
So part one ends with House waking up from going into cardiac arrest (o.O; only House) and being all like, "ZOMG IT'S AMBER!"
Now, Quinn told me that part two was, as she described it, a "crier". I was kind of skeptical about this, because as much as I love Quinn, she cries a lot. XD; But.... I saw the episode previews for part two, and I started to think she was right. My mom and my sister also came home around the same time I finished part one and saw the previews for part two... so I decided to save part two for when I could watch it by myself and just like, let myself get really into it.
So actually all day today at school I was pretty pumped to get home and watch it. I was at lunch, chatting with my friend Laura, and I idly mention House and wanting to get home and see part two of the season finale.
She goes, "Oh, the girl dies!"
I get very quiet, and I must have gotten a very strange look on my face, because Laura got very quiet as well.
Her eyes get real big and she claps a hand over her mouth and immediately begins apologizing profusely. XD; Apparently she only talked to someone who'd seen the two parts and Laura didn't know what happened in part one so she thought the massive spoiler she'd oh-so-casually dropped happened in part one. And she and I both hate spoilers and all, and I mean I was trying so hard not to be mad at her, but......... I was kinda pissed. XD
I get home and promptly turn on part two, though, and like...two minutes into it, I was already incredibly stressed out! XD; And just...I dunno, it was the most heartwrenching episode of that show I have ever seen, and probably ever will see.
Long story short, Amber was a Jane Doe injured really bad in the bus crash (she kind of ended up with a handrail clear through her thigh, yeah that was freaky) and taken to a different hospital, which is why nobody knew until House remembered her being on the bus. He still couldn't remember why they'd been on a bus together, though. And when they found her at the other hospital, they found she had other symptoms unrelated to her injuries? I think her heart rate was really irregular or something. And like her other organs aren't doing so hot and basically she's dying and they're trying to figure out why and just... Wilsonnnnnnn
Every step of the way he's protesting and wanting to do things his way, even though he's not right and he's letting his emotions get in the way. And House is actually doing what Wilson says, even though if it was any other patient and any other family member, House wouldn't give a damn, and everyone knows it.
Wilson wonders if there's something else House can't remember that would help them figure out what to do. So they try one more procedure where they like... send electrical shocks to House's brain? And he finally remembers the whole story - he went to a bar and got totally drunk, so the bartender took his keys. He called Wilson's apartment to ask Wilson to come pick him up, only Amber was the only one home.
So she came to get House, and they both got on the bus which then crashed. Before the crash, though, House saw Amber take this kind of flu medicine. Turns out that the crash damaged her kidneys so her body couldn't properly process the medicine and that's why her organs were failing all over the place. And there was no way to get the medicine out of her system, so there really wasn't anything they could do to save her. So at this point House like randomly has a gigantor seizure and ends up in a coma for the rest of the episode.
Gawd before this gets much longer...
But there was just this really amazing scene where House is in a coma/dreaming/whatever, and he's sitting on the bus once again, this time with Amber, and it was one of those "Are you dead?" "Yes" "Am I dead?" "Not yet"-type scenes. It was very reminiscent of that chapter in Deathly Hallows with Harry and Dumbledore... but I digress.
Oh my gosh, it was just like supervulnerable!House. He said he would just rather be dead, because he wasn't in any pain and Wilson surely hated him anyway, because if it weren't for House getting totally drunk, Amber wouldn't have been on that bus and she wouldn't have died. And she said maybe House kind of deserved it, which makes it seem like she was more a manifestation of House's subconscious, rather than any kind of manifestation of Amber herself, since that seems more like something House would say to himself than anything else.
But Amber was just like "Get off the bus." So House got off the bus and woke up in the hospital with Cuddy like... sitting there being all woobie which was really cute, I have to admit.
There was an absolutely gut-wrenching scene at the very end where Wilson is standing in House's hospital room, and House opens his eyes and they look at each other for a billion years and Wilson just walks back out without a word.
But it's crazy, what this episode means for their friendship. The scene where Wilson thinks they should try something else to jog House's memory - both of them know it's dangerous and would put House in a lot of danger, and he might not even remember anything useful anyway. House asks if Wilson wants him to put his life on the line to save hers, and Wilson stands there a really long time and finally nods.
NOTHING like that has ever happened in that show. It's always Wilson sticking his neck out for House and getting nothing in return. TRITTER ARC ANYONE!? And to see the tables turned, so to speak, and to see House respond to that and just be really upset... It's crazy.
I read some little teaser interview with the producer where she was saying after this episode "House will never be the same" and it's hard to know if they're talking about the show or the person. XD I'm.... kind of hoping the person, honestly. Why are the writers so adverse to the idea of House changing at all? I want this to have a lasting effect on House, Wilson, and their friendship, unlike the extremely disappointing ending of the Tritter arc. If it's like that, and things are just back to normal within a few episodes? I will be PISSED.
Good god that took a while