Killers were amaaaazing, yo. Warning: kind of a spazzy entry ahead. I put 'Sam's Town' on and it made me all excited XDDWe got to Camden at like 8ish and parked really far from the venue since the parking was $15. Some random guy in a truck was patrolling the empty parking lot and he informed us that that lot was just for people who were going to
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The Japanese people, like, stole my heart. They were awesome. XD
I was turned in my seat talking to Kirstie when the guy started talking to me and I just kinda looked at him, then turned back to Kirstie. He didn't say anything else once he realized I wasn't gonna respond, but Kirstie insists that she'll never let me forget it. LOL.
Let's see, they started at about 10:05, maybe 10:10; played a while, then we left, and it was about 11:50 when we got in the car, which was a 5-10 minute walk from the venue... So, an hour and a half, give or take a bit?
Ah, see, when I made that wallpaper I had more of game!Cloud in mind - after he gets his memories back, everything bad that happens just makes him even more determined to beat Sephiroth/save the planet. So there's this big contrast with AC!Cloud - the screenshot I used of him was from that part when Rufus says "But you're an ex-SOLDIER!" and Cloud says something like, "Heh, in my head." XD I dunno, I wasn't all that pleased with the background and the placement of the text and images - I felt like it could be a lot better, and I was ready to get that graphics post up so I just kinda forgot about that wallpaper. Buuut I'll tweak it some more. And there will probably be a couple papers with Killers lyrics in the next few days. XD
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