Since January 29th, there has been one entry in which I did not mention FF7 at all. I don't know if this is amusing, or sad.
...So I played for like four hours the other night and got through some really awesome parts, like the first two Huge Materia missions and Weapons and Cloud's coma o' angst. :D
Okay so, after Aerith's death they all head north to Northern Cave. Then, there is craziness when they come across Sephiroth's actual, physical body, and Cloud gets all like...weird and clone-y and hands over the Black Materia to Sephiroth. ...For the second time. XD Poor Cloud though, by this point he'd accepted that he was not who he thought he was, because of the visions of what actually happened at Nibelheim that Sephiroth shows to him and the party, and then of course both Hojo and Sephiroth tell him like eleventy billion times that he's a failed Sephiroth clone... The worst part was Cloud going, "Tifa, maybe someday you'll get to meet the real Cloud" and Tifa just like falling to her knees.
So THEN, due to all the activity, the Weapons wake up and start roarin and tearin stuff up. Rufus was there, with Scarlet, Heidegger, and Hojo, and Rufus is all "Ahaha you have to come with me" and they ('they' meaning Tifa and the rest of the playable characters) kind of don't really have a choice. So yeah, they escape just as the Weapons esplode everything and they don't know what happened to Cloud. As it were, Cloud falls into the Lifestream and it carries him all the way to this little town called Mideel, which is where the party finds him later on in a rather poor state of health. He was all like... catatonic and unresponsive and he kept bobbing his head around kinda like one of
these things.
So there's this scene where the doctor is like, "He is literally thousands of miles away from us..." and it's all angsty but I'm there like giggling my head off 'cause Cloud's just sitting in the background going, *bob. bob. bob.*
Another hysterical moment was when Tifa gets sick of Scarlet slapping her around and you get the opportunity to slap her back. It's like, "Slap: O Button!" and I'm like mashing the O button and cracking up.
Oh, and getting the first two Huge Materia, now that was crazy. For that I ended up with a party of Cid, Barret, and Vincent. Really badass party. XD Cid runs funny...he kind of like runs with his legs first. It's hilarious. To get the Huge Materia in North Corel you have to hijack the train and get to the front of it and stop it within 10 minutes. Wouldn't be hard, except for the tough enemies on the train designed to slow you down. XD I was like, determined to save Corel, though. I would've felt really bad if I destroyed it, LOL. Plus if you save it you get the super powerful Ultima materia for free :D Cid trying to figure out how to stop the speeding train, though, that was hilarious. At first he moves the levers the wrong way and that speeds it up, and so Barret and Vincent were behind him shouting "OTHER WAY OTHER WAY!!" and gesturing frantically. I was dying. XD
Speaking of dying, the Lifestream part with Cloud and Tifa was awesome... But holy crap, Tifa's dad shouting at tiny 8-year-old Cloud kills me. x___x
After we got done with that super long scene they're all in that one room on the Highwind and Cloud goes on about how he was never in SOLDIER, it was just in his head, blah blah. And they're all like, "Aw whatev, we love you Cloud." Cloud said he was determined to try and save the planet and so they (they being Barret, Tifa, and Cloud) all yell Barret's "there ain't no gettin off this train we're on" line and everybody jumps around and happy music plays. I was in loooove. X3
So that's about where I am. After getting control of Cloud I went to Nibelheim and promptly got the Zack flashback, lol. I'm gonna do some leveling up and sidequesting (maybe tackle the Wutai sidequest, I think) before I advance the plot, though.
And it's late so that's all you get. XP