(no subject)

Nov 30, 2004 14:38

how to make a amanduhxo0! ingredients: 5 parts anger 1 part silliness 3 parts empathy Method: Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Serve with a slice of fitness and a pinch of salt. Yum!
more quotes =D

*I wrote your name on a paper but by an accident I threw it away I wrote your name on my hand but i washed it the next day I wrote your name in the sand but the waves washed it away I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay

*it never was and never will be*youre not real and you cant save me*somehow now youre everybodys fool

*you must be my shooting star, everything I've ever wished for Is everything that you are*

*If U LoVe Me Like U Say U Do...*Prove 2 Me That Ur LOvE Is True…*Say U LoVe Me N Hold My Hand…*Tell Me That U'll always B My Man...

My heart flutters,
My hands shake,
My feelings for you
are beyond heaven's gate,
Those feelings I have for
you are pure,
This I know for sure.
Without you I am incomplete,
Because your love for me is so sweet!

*Holding ur handz & kissing u

Feelin ur sweet & soft lipz too
Cuddlin keepin each other warm
U keepin me safe from harm
Under the starz tonight
Along with the moonlight
Realizing this is reality
Cuz wit u dreamz can neva compare
To all da thingz we have shared
Cuz our love is undreamable

*ten years from now i may not remember what we did those nights or what made us laugh so hard but i will remember YOU were the one who was there

*when summer comes,
what will i do,
when you are gone i will miss you,
we could call each other,
but that is not enough,
how can i get to you,
i don't know what i will do without you,
i will find the way anytime anyday,
i love you so much,
i dont want to leave you and your soft touch,
i will miss the sweet things you say,
when you tell me how pretty i am,
i will miss all the things you say;
all the things that make me feel loved,
i kneel by bed every night and pray,
that things will be ok,
we could write letters everyday,
maybe that can make it better,
so this is good bye till then,
when we are together again

*learn from
live for
hope for

*iTs iMpOsSibLE tO LoVe ..
iTs iMpOsSiBLe tO CaRe ..
WhEn tHe PeRsOn yOuR iN LoVe wITH ..
DoeSNt EVeN kNoW uR tHERE ..

*I think I finally realized how much I loved him while I was lying in my bed last nite thinking he didnt love me*

*just once i want ta be the one thats hard to forget, just once i want someone to stay up all nite thinking about me*

*CrAzY dAyS,sCrEwEd Up NiTeS
ToNs Of CrUsHeS n StUpId FiTeS
SeCrEtS wE wiLl TaKe 2 tHe GrAvE
PiCtUrEs Well 4-EvEr SaVe
ThRu ThIcK n ThIn,aLwAyS tRu
I dUnNo WhErE i'D bE w/o U

*..there was a time..
..when i would do anything..
..to { g e t } you..
..but now ill do anything..
..to { f o r g e t } you..

*he'z the onli guy who can come to me when
there are tears streaming down my cheeks
and im kneee-deep in tissues and can HONESTLY say...

*Why can't I breathe whenever
I think about you why can't I speak
whenever I talk about you It's
inevitable, it's a fact that we're
gonna get down to it so tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I
think about you

*..aLL i Do.. ..iS tHiNk..
..oF YoU CuZ tHe fEeLiNgs.
..i HaVe ArE So TrUe..
..EaCh DaY I wAiT wHeN.
..i CaN SaY tHaT i..
.LoVe YoU CuZ..
.BoY iTs aLL...*U*.
*Your lips apon my lips,

Can you just picture this..

Your finger tips on my finger tips,

Your skin apon my skin..

Would be the Sweetest Sin,

Would be the Sweetest Sin.. *

*I never knew I'd need to hear someone's voice
to have a good day
I never knew I'd need someone's smile
to know everythings ok
I never knew I'd need anyone as much as I need you

*He's the only guy I'd come to
 with my hair a mess
my make-up streaming down my face
 my eyes red from crying hysterically,
yet he still tells me
[ your beautiful ]

*.:.It must've been the mistletoe.
..the lazy fire... the falling snow
the magic in the frosty air
that made me [love you].:.

*~*Hot guys open my eyes, smart guys open my mind, but only sweet guys can open my heart.*~*

*Oh sure, I think other guys are cute,
but everytime I see a cute guy, I remind myself how cute *you* are.
Of how much I love *you*. Of how sweet you are.
Of how *you* can always brighten my day.
And suddenly, that other guy doesn't look all that good anymore.

*Baby u duNo wut u do 2me
b/t me and u I feel a chemistry
I dont want no1 to come & take
yo place cuz da luv u give cant B

I guess I was falling in love

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