Food Journal

Jul 08, 2010 14:00

I've just started using an online food journal, I've realized a few important things about myself:

-I am what many people would consider "thin," but I am not "lean." In fact, I am quite weak. This will only get solved by more exercise, something that's a work in progress to resolve. Fitting the gym into my current schedule is...a process. I keep working on it.

-I have selective memory when it comes to what I eat. There have been more times than I want to admit when I'll sit down with what I think is a well-earned treat, only to realize later that hold on--I've had several "well earned" treats that day, that I actually didn't recall until after eating the latest bit.

-Most importantly, I have come to realize that I have some impulse control issues when it comes to sugar. I love it. If I'm honest, I use it as a coping mechanism--when I get stressed, I will often seek out something very sugary for the dopamine rush after I devour it. Once I get a little of the sweet taste, I want to saturate my insides with it...which is generally why I end up eating a few treats in a day, and I don't even realize it. (Is it any wonder I've had recurrant dreams of being a drug addict, despite having never tried any of the stuff in real life?)

The easiest and best solution is to keep a food journal. Having a record, and seeing my intake in hard numbers, makes it a lot easier to control. I am going to try it for two months, which is right around the time I'm going back out to Seattle for a vacation with J. I may or may not lose a few pounds, but I think the more important thing is that I am going to be controlling my intake more, focusing on nutrition, and not using refined sugar as a crutch. I know I have an addictive personality, and anything I like will spiral out of hand unless I take steps to keep it within reasonable contraints.

food, goals, discipline, growth

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