I've been having a lot of interesting thoughts on cheating.
In the past I've always felt that if I was ever cheated on again, I would drop the guy faster than a hot potatoe, and never speak to them again.
Lately, as I've been thinking, thinking, and rethinking, I've come to the conclusion that this notion of mine has changed.
Really, I believe that the circumstances of the situation need to be looked at. Also, there are 2 kinds of cheaters. Hurters and Animals.
Hurters: They do this specifically to hurt someone they love
Animals: They are finding a lack of willpower to say no
It's interesting how much my mind has changed lately.
I feel as though I'm coming out of my crysallis, and evolving in to a new person.
I'll share more as time comes. At this particular moment, I'm having difficulty collecting my thoughts on this particular topic, as my mind is dedicated elsewhere. Quite stubbornly, in fact.
New pictures.
I've hit a huge goal marker in my weight loss. Pay no attention to the I'm-trying-to-look-natural-but-not-quite-pulling-it-off face.
I've also recently dyed my hair jet black.