(no subject)

Jan 05, 2007 06:53

It's been awhile since I made one of these posts. lol.

Nothing on this earth disgusts and revolts me more than circumcision. Why the US and Canada (well, US mostly) are the ONLY COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD to routinely circumcise for non-religious and non-medical reasons is beyond my imagination.

Why would anyone remove part of a healthy infant's body without their permission and for no reason is disgusting.

Why? So he looks like daddy?
Please. Unless he was born with an abnormally large dick and pubic hair, this makes no sense.

Why? Because of the slight possibility an infection might occur with the foreskin?
Might as well start hacking out tonsils and appendixes at birth too, since the rate of infection with those later in life is much higher. Might as well chop off every prepubescent girl's breasts to avoid the chance of breast cancer later.

Why? Because it's easier to "do it now than later"?
How do you know it'll be needed later? Or he'll want to remove it later? Don't parents realize an adult will get much better anesthetic than an infant?

Why? Because it's just easier now?
Yeah, performing an amputation without a patient's permission is pretty damn easy.

Why? Because you think it's ugly?
Best excuse ever. Way to call your baby's gentitalia "ugly". Stop placing your sexual preferences on your newborn baby, douchebag.

Why? Because he may get made fun of?
Considering that only 11% of newborn boys were circumcised in Canada in 2003, I doubt that. And if a kid was staring at one of my son's penises in the locker room I'd have better questions.

Why? Because you have to clean it?
A foreskin is wash and wear until it retracts. Jayden's hasn't even yet. And when it does it will probably take me 10 minutes to show him how to pull it back and wipe in the bath. OHHHHHH THE WORK.

Why? Because you think it's cleaner?
A dirty circumcised cock and a dirty uncircumcised cock are equally vomit-worth and both need to be cleaned. It's not difficult to teach basic hygiene.

Why? Because a girl might not like it?
Why would you want him to be with someone who would say that? Somehow, someway, men in Australia and Europe, where almost NO ONE is circumcised, are still getting laid.

Babies are born with a foreskin for a reason. just because we are allowed to do what we want to with our child's penis doesn't mean it is right. Leave it the fuck alone. If you could ask your baby if he wanted to be circumcised, what do you think he'd say?


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