Challenge #17 WINNERS !!

Oct 05, 2011 22:11

Congratulations to all winners!

the banners aren't done yet, but i will try to have them up soon !

only one person has applied for THE BANNER MAKER

PLEASE !* if you want to help me UU' Now I don't have time to do all things in this community,
because of my studying.

If you're interested, please comment HERE

1st place :spg_spn_girls // banner
2nd place :
oth_fan_92 // banner
3rd place  : creative_candy // banner
4th place : verou // banner

best crop : taranouga // banner
best color : verou // banner
Most creative : amazingenough // banner
mod's choice :
amazingenough // banner

» Challenge #17 entries have been unscreened in case you want to snag any icons.
   Remember to ASK the icon maker before.
» Don't forget to enter the current challenge !
» You still have time to enter Challenge #18 ! if you want :))

challenge #17, # mod ! post, # winners

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