Header Contest #01

Sep 04, 2011 20:34

It's time to change community HEADER !!!

so,we are having a header contest :)

deadline: Friday , September 16th (CST)
entries/contestants : 00/00


- You may submit up to TWO HEADERS.

- THE WIDTH MUST BE 560 pixels wide and the height is up to you.

- You must have amandastills or amanda seyfried stills or something to that
effect somewhere on the header (you can also add other text if you like).

- NO animation allowed, but you can use brushes, textures, text, etc.

- You may use any pictures your heart desires, in character, out of character, photoshoots, events, whatever.

- Don't worry about trying to match the colours of our current layout,
I will probably after the layout colour scheme once we have our winning header.

- When submitting, SUBMIT THE URL ONLY!!

Suggested Galleries :

if you have any questions, comment this post.
So have fun and let's get some gorgeous new header !

header contest !!

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