May 31, 2006 17:31
That is what my doctor said to me. (That's what he said.)<--i try.
i took off today to go to the doctor at 9. what the hell was i thinking. if i dont have to get up for school, theres no chance im waking up a minute earlier tha n 10:30. so my appointment was changed to 10:45. i wore cloud pjs all day. and pigtails.
all the exec interviews have been amazing so far. we've got our work cut out for us, really. but sunday we're going to babush's apartment in the city to decide. announcing it sunday evening. the six of us will come home with fat lips and black eyes. that's how we do things. but it'll all end up wonderful.
hm. so trish's bbq was quite fun. we played scattegories! even though i got bored in the middle and stopped playing and kept saying "WHY are you friends with me? i'm so boring! why don't you HATE me like you should?!" Ferris choked on soda and stopped breathing but ZACK SMITH saved his life. i was very shaken up, but very impressed at the heroism. christine came while we were having some girly bonding time with Warren G. Harding on the trampoline while the boys played "mop ball." only me and trish felt the effects, but it's only because we're a lot cooler than everyone else. Rae kept yelling "STUUU!" even though he wasnt there yet. she thought MAYBE he would hear her from the other side of town. maybe not. then we ate scrumptious bbq food and then lisa and raquel came and we played "let's not go near them." so while trish, lees, and rock were on one side of the yard, me, rae, and stu (and zsmith for a little) were on the other side. we ended up throwing things at each other. it was cool. and then laurengoldberg and that girl stephanie-that-i-know-from-congress-when-i-was-a-wee-little-girl-and-knew-upperclassmen-but-they-didnt-know-me came and we ventured around in the falcon (but it wasnt really the falcon because it was just not the same) and then me and stu got coldstone and some guy whose name is pronouced OOH-BAYD was stalking stu so we left and i got ice cream all over his cupholder. i really am sorry. even though it's not my fault.
so anyway. nothing too exciting has happened since then. i actually have a lot of work because i have to work on my Senior Experience Project. i feel bad because i had to miss Lucas's singing debut yesterday at LBHS. there are so few days left of school and i actually have stuff to do because it's the kind of stuff i need to graduate. so sucky. ew.
i have to get a prom dress/dresses. i cant believe i have put it off for so long. i really cant. theres going to be NOTHING left. and i HATE dresses. HATE THE BITCHES. i never like ANYTHING. and i especially hate fancy shoes. i like looking prettified and prancing around all lovely, but i hate picking things out. i'd rather have someone else do it for me. also, what am i supposed to wear to afterproms?
oh, and so far like FIVE people have asked OTHER people things about me that are very dumb questions, but if they have to ask, ask ME! dumbheads.
other than all that, i am really excited for prom.
i want to be a painter. i'd paint so many pictures of people. like the random people you see on the street. i love it.
Look at me can't you see
All I really want to be
Is free from a world
That hurts me
I need relief
Do you want me
To be your theif
Aw baby just for you
I'd steal anything that you want me to
You walk up to her
Ask her to dance
She says, 'Hey baby
I just might take the chance'
You say, 'It's a good thing
That you float in the air (in the air)
That way there's no way
I will crush your pretty
Toenails into a thousand pieces.'