Fannish Five: Adversarial Relationships

Aug 31, 2007 09:17

From fannish5: What are the five most interesting adversarial relationships?

I left out relationships that end up in a canon pairing, because those aren't so much adversarial as they are the result of sexual tension, which isn't the same thing. (That is not to say that people don't write fic for these pairings, but none of them were, overtly, at least, canon at any point.) In no particular order:

- Rory vs. Paris, Gilmore Girls
- Gimli vs. Legolas, Lord of the Rings (admittedly, they become quite good friends in the end, but I'm thinking more of Fellowship of the Ring here)
- The Doctor vs. the Daleks, Doctor Who
- Professor X vs. Magneto, X-Men (be they uncanny or otherwise)
- Superman vs. Lex Luthor, Superman (the classic "rival" relationship in fandom, I think.)

What do you think?


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