Rumors of My Disappearance...

Aug 30, 2006 23:14

I have had friends in town for the past few days, which has been great, but stressful. At the very least, it was two more pairs of hands to hold the baby when I had to run down to the basement to move the laundry around or feed her sweet potatoes while I caught a (longer than usual) shower.

However, I am now turning around after they've just left and going out of town myself. I probably won't be posting my own stuff or any feedback on any of the lovely fics being posted by all of the fine writers I keep an eye on until I get back. BUT--assuming my new laptop will accept power from the converter I have for the cigarette lighter (my old one needed too much juice and maxed it out, and the battery only lasted about an hour and a half on full charge) I will be able to write a bit while we're away.

Maybe that means more Nine/Rose prompts, maybe that means I'll remember my Hermione/Ron idea. Or, maybe my little B hates the car ride (10 hours, bless us all) and I have no time at all to do anything.

I've been itching to write but haven't found the time to do it with guests here. I will be in a great mood if I get a mini-vacation and a chance to write a little.

writing, life, trip, baby

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