Jun 04, 2006 02:35
I feel genuienly messed up. Currently I am on day two of my first period since MARCH first!!!! A 93 day cycle! No of course, no pregnancy scare...I'm just wierd! It truly feels like there are three occuring at the same time. My emotions are crazy and I've needed medicine everytime it wears off. Pam gave me my first Midol ever, I feel almost normal. This drug is a miracle.
But my wedding dress fit the day before all this began, which means I maintained my wiegth for SIX months. WOO HOO!!! Plus, I am bloated as all get out so it will be even smaller that day yippie! I hope I either go again July 1st like a normal person would or the period just skips town like it usually does.
Welcome to June 4th, my favorite day of the year. Aside from my stupid female troubles, life has been pretty good. Moved a lot of stuff up to Matt's and Monday Mike and I are spending the night hehe. We'll measure stuff and finalize what we want to do with my stuff and what goes back to my parents. They are totally upset 24/7 that I want to haul everything up there rather than give it back to them. Perhaps if they didn't live in a dump already packed with stuff I'd feel better giving it back to them. *sigh* I can't save them from themselves and someday I'll accept this.
I cannot WAIT to get away from Wendy's. The new manager has an crush on me. I don't wear my ring to work because of all the dang grease so if he figured it out it was today. If not the ring just needs to make an appearance because the crew talks about it all the time, he should know. It's terrible, I'm retarded, I never notice the first hints, you think after everywhere I've been the last 11 years I would. I feel dirty and I know it's going to get terrible either way, whether he accepts it or continues to be an obvious crush.
Today's manager Tatiana and I played "guess who makes how much." I am one of the lowest paid adults...I had a feelings, but that's still wrong. Just gotta pull five more weeks out of my butt...that's all. The GM is using half of my bulletin board space to award people who do good work. I'm anxious to see if I get a note, cause I'm not in his pet catagory lol but it's hard to deny I'm good at that dang job!!!
Ah well I slowly realize wendy's is rock bottom last on my priority list. About time isn't it?