haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?

May 22, 2006 13:15

ah summer. how nice. still haven't unpacked... i really don't want to. it'll save me some trouble in a couple of months afterall. but i'm not liking the mess. i don't stay at home enough to be bothered by it too much though. lately i've seen some old zaxby's folks, which is always a pleasure. but i've been hanging out with shaye mostly. we had to say goodbye to margo last week... and what a moondogs goodbye it was. we initiated shaye's summer roommate with moondogs on saturday. it should be interesting having a man around, but he's pretty cool (and easy on the eyes). my parents are out of town until thursday and i actually have a ton of hours at blockbuster this week.

i have too much on my mind for summer time. keep your fingers crossed for me. hopefully it will turn out in my favor.
my lovely big comes back to town next week!!!! ah i miss her...
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