Dec 30, 2004 08:58
So...last night i went shopping with Faith for some things at Vicki's, came home chilled with Casey Face and Ry Ry, but i think Snow aggravated Ry Ry...sorry....she's a puppy and gets very excited. I was gonna go out, but of course exhaustion set in, and i Have to work today from like 8-7 first Invisions then Mohawk so I wanted to sleep a lil bit. O ya I ate half a bag of Tootsie rolls in ten minutes yesterday along with a Huge hot chocolate, that will make ya REAL nauseous. Hmmmmm so yep, I think I will get to keep my puppy, Nani is feeling better from her Asthma. Can you Imagine having your pets taken away from you after 2 months, I was very scared/sad. I think/hope it's all good now. Everyone have happy/safe new years!