Aug 02, 2005 10:02
Finally, a public post.
I really want to start pilates but I know that once I get to school I'll totally ditch the idea of sitting in front of my t.v. while my roomy is there stretching and doing all that pilates stuff.
I also really want to make cookies right now... and I will, as soon as I go to the bank and take out the necessary money to buy chocolate chips. Oh no, now I am second guessing my real urge to make cookies now... then they will be in the house all week and I will be tempted to eat them. In this case, I am now tempted to buy huge amounts of fruit. Hmm... still need to go to the bank either way, might as well get some $ for that pilates. 10:04... that's enough time to run to the mall.
Well, welcome to my train of thought. Now instead of just spending 2.99 on chocolate chips, I'm gonna go waste money at the mall, but what the hell, I'll call jax and see if she's up for a trip.