How could this be done? I want your sweet ...

Feb 17, 2009 18:50

Maybe tomorrow ...

 Body of Blues

-After Hayes, after Lorca

I want to always wake beneath a warm blue blanket

of sky. I want to never hunger for money. I want to

learn to be as quiet as the moment between snowflakes.

I want to be sure as the ledge on the highest edge of a sky

scraper. I want to scrape the sky only to see what

falls from her wounded belly. I want to splinter

when I break. I want a mouth

full of duende, and a soul made of shrapnel and torn

butterfly wings. I want to be a shadow on the dirt in outer

space. I want to carry nightmares to outer space, and bury

shadows. I want be a sunrise and interrupt your eyelids through the

atmosphere. I want to fight off an army of alarm clocks and protect

your solitude. I want to fight off the morning's unwavering

expectations, and creaking windows, it's pressed suits and broke

down cars; I want to fight off flimsy cubicles,

and leaving, your doubts, your nonchalance, and

regulations, your conference calls, the dead

skin that lights on the plateau of tense shoulders.

I want to fight off morning and be morning. If dolphins

and swans are the only other creatures capable of making

love I want to grow feathers, and web between my limbs and

swim like you are the sea with an infinite waterfall waiting

just beyond the horizon. I want the ocean's strength, but not it's

undertow. I want all the patience of redwoods, but not

their tangled roots. I want the freshness of placenta,

but not its innocence. I want to come up for air, and go

back down for more. When we make our beds apart, may we

be still next to each other. I do not want to be the curtains, a

mumbling television, or glass of water.  I do not want to be

the moon coming and going, the blown speaker whispering

riddles, or the sidewalk.  I do not want to be the album

of photographs, or the mirror. When I leave this body,

Man, I want to be pure night; I want to be your blues


"The heart is a leisurely muscle.  It differs from all other muscles.  How many push-ups can you make before the muscles in your arms and stomach get so tired that you have to stop?  But your heart muscle goes on working for as long as you live.  It does not get tired because there is a phase of rest built into every single heartbeat. Our physical heart works leisurely.  And when we speak of heart in the wider sense, the idea that life-giving leisure lies at the very center is implied.  Never to lose sight of that central place of leisure in our life would keep us youthful.  Seen in this light, leisure is not a privilege but a virtue.  Leisure is not a privilege of the few who can afford to take the time, but the virtue of all who are willing to give the time to what takes time. To give as much time as a task rightly takes."  -David Steindl-Rast

"I can say I hope
It will be worth what I give up"


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