(no subject)

Sep 12, 2005 18:19

So, I'm officially in Florida by myself. It is definitely lonely without Josh here. I can't believe he has been gone for less than a day and I already miss him. He left me the sweetest note on the computer. I read it when I got home from work and actually started to cry. I hope the next five days fly by, because I want him to come home.

School was good. We (the fifth grade teachers) had our final day of "Mary Lewis Training" and we are getting really good at constructing FCAT questions. I know that probably doesn't mean anything to most of you, but be aware that it is a big accomplishment.

I got new hair stuff today. I'm trying a new styling line since it is SO humid down here. My stylist totally guaranteed this stuff, so it better work. I'm hoping to set up a highlighting appointment this week. It is just SO TOTALLY expensive for hair coloring down here. It is totally ridiculous. But I guess it is one of those necessary things that I do to continue looking like a lady.

School is getting easier and easier, and I am growing really attached to my kids. I even start tutoring one of them after school this week. Anything to help them succeed!

Ugh, I still miss Josh...
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