Hello Again!!

Aug 18, 2005 16:20

Okay, so my classroom FINALLY has internet. One of the unfortunate side effects of having a classroom in a brand new building...

Well, things are going very well. I absolutely LOVE being a teacher. It is so cool. You actually get paid to come to school everyday and teach. Totally insane.

Josh and I are doing FABULOUS!! I've never known him as the committed kind of guy, but that is how he is now, and it is sort of surreal. It is crazy coming home and knowing that he will be there. And he cooks dinner, goes grocery shopping, helps me file papers, and the other night he even typed up stuff for my bulletin boards. We don't get to go to bed or wake up together, so he leaves me cute little notes. So yeah, things are wonderful. He did an amazing job painting our apartment, and we just got a new sofa. It is going to be so cute. It is like an adult apartment. I will have to take a few pictures and post them when we are closer to being finished. That way everyone can see our super cute new home!

I love my classroom and my kids. Things can get crazy, but I have nothing but appreciation for the situation I have been placed in. Josh and I have most definitely been blessed.

Well, this post is going to be rather short since it is already 4:30 and I want to drive through rush hour so I can spend a little time with Josh before he has to go to work.

I'll post more tomorrow!!!
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