Aug 03, 2004 23:08
wow is the the word I like to use when describing this past weekend! I had so much fun thursday and friday night with the girls:) Nate and Zack came to FSU on saturday for the last time before they go to N.C. We partied like rockstars at Star Shooters and had a really good time. Until the end when I created a little drama but it wouldnt be right if Nate and I were both wasted and there was no drama!!!! So sunday rolls around and I really didnt want it to. Sunday was the big goodbye, I wont see him until Christmas:( which will be hard. I think the longest we have ever gone without seeing eachother has been about a month! The goodbye was sad, I held back the tears until the last few minutes. I think Lauren put it best in describing the situation I am going thorugh, IT SUCKS!!!! But I am strong and have the best friends ever so I am sure I will be just fine. It will just be a hard adjustment.
This coming weekend we are moving into our new apartment above peppers!!! I am soooo excitied as soon as we get setteled I want everyone to come see it!
Ok well this is long for me and I have a paper to finish so its time to go. bye bye