Jan 11, 2007 15:56
While I'm not prepared to admit that I've had enough, I'm almost there.
Some of you may recall how well I get along with animals of the rodent variety. You might also recall an entry last week stating that my house had become infested while I was home for the holidays. Traps were baited and set, and for two days, there was no sign of the little bastards. The bait was still there and there was no shit on the counter (or anywhere else for that matter).
Fast forward a few days. I returned to camp/work yesterday to find the traps empty and the bait missing, but there was no shit on the counter. My mom bleached as a preemptive measure and put a peanut butter covered Tostito in the trap. All was well... until, 11:30 last night.
I nearly vomited at 11:30 last night.
Thankfully I wasn't completely exhausted and didn't collapse into bed (as can sometimes happen) and I looked at the sheets before lying (laying? lying? I'll never get that right) down. On my sheets, my chocolate brown sheets was a bunch of mouse shit. Cue the dry heaving.
I managed to strip and remake my bed despite the gimpy leg. I thought I was in the clear, but just to be on the safe side, I wanted to cram a towel underneath the crack in my bedroom door. If the little disease infested shits were making themselves comfortable in my bed while I was away, there was a pretty good chance that they'd check in while I was in my bed. The last thing I need is waking up to a little bastard mouse snuggling up beside me.
I hobbled over to my bedroom closet to the dresser where I keep my extra towels and other linens and opened the drawer. There was mouse shit on top of the shirts in the drawer. I knew what I was going to find as I dug deeper and I still felt compelled to continue. I made it to the bottom of the drawer (this is the drawer that contains all of my waterfront wear-bathing suits, shorts, t-shirts, etc) and I found the MOTHERLOAD! Mouse shit galore, and those goddamn effing bastards had chewed through my orange Waterfront T-shirt!
Naturally, I screamed for my mother.
She rescued me from the sea of mouse shit. (I was worried about finding a nest with a bunch of disgusting mice and their babies making a home in my bathing suit.) There was no nest. Thank god.
I'm going to try some nasty mouse poison (I don't care if it's cruel, there's plenty of vermin in this world... they won't miss a couple) and apparently there is some kind of mouse sonar thing that you plug in and it makes some kind of mouse repelling sound that only mice can hear.
Until then, I will be very diligent in checking my bed for shit before I go to bed and I'm going to have to steel myself for the fact that I might have to remove a dead mouse from a trap without puking.
Anyone have any other vermin suggestions?