Dec 21, 2004 23:47
Two days, two entries. Amazing. :)
My cousin Jenny called me today. She's 21 and a half with 2 kids (Taylor is two and Cameron is a little over a month). As soon as I said 'hello,' she tried to pawn one of the kids off on me... I can't imagine being that young and having 2 kids, even if they're both super cuties. I can't imagine having two kids now at almost 24! (which my mom so kindly reminded me was the age at which she had me... and then I got, 'When are you going to have kids?') Anyhow, she managed to pawn her munchkins off on her grandma, and we went horseback riding at her parents. I think it was the first time I was ever on a horse that wasn't a pay and ride horse. She managed to saddle up two horses all by herself (I was really impressed... she's only been riding for a little over a month) Then we had to get on them. Note: When seriously bundled up (long underwear, jeans and snowpants), it is almost impossible lift one's leg high enough to reach the stirrups. I had to convince the horse to walk over to their back porch and stand still (this was difficult) so that I could stand on the edge to get my foot in the stirrup. It was actually a lot of fun... cold, but fun.
Afterwards, I visited w/my aunt and uncle... and again got the "When are you going to have kids?" question. I will also get this question when I visit my grandparents later this break... Geez people, give me a break! I'm only 23 (24 next month)... I still have 2.5 years of school left, THEN I have year of internship, THEN a residency, THEN I have to pay at least 4 years back to the Navy. And if we put in the fact that I don't have a boyfriend, and I probably won't have one until I get out of school and have some time to concentrate on something besides studying... it's going to be a LOOOOONNNGGG time. So, STOP ASKING!
Ok, that's it. :)