You know those annoying people who say, "That was such a terrible test! I know I did really bad!" then they turn around and get the higest score? I'm one of them. I didn't think the PBL test went the greatest. My raw score was 79.7%, which isn't too bad, but it was definitely the worst I've done so far (not counting anatomy)... then lots of
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1. Lecture/Discussion (LDP)-sit in lecture for 8 hours a day and get tested once a week.
2. Independent study (ISP)-you're told what to read and you decide when you're tested on it. (Go to class maybe 3 hours/wk)
3. Problem-Based (PBL)-you have small goups where you get "fake" patients (they only exist on paper), you have to diagnose and treat your patient, then you and your group pick chapters out of 10 different books (anatomy, physiology, biochem, neuroanatomy, genetics, pathology...)that you think relate to your case. Then you get tested on material that you assigned for 5-7 cases every month. It's basically like independent study, except we pick what we want to learn and we're not tested as frequently, but having fake patients makes what we're learning seem more important/relevant to me. We only have to go to class for around 4 hours/week and meet with our groups to solve cases for 4 hours/week. The rest of the time is spent reading stuff we assigned. PBL is basically my only class (worth 41.5 credits out of a possible 50.5), and we only have 3 tests this semester to determine our grade, so getting an A on the first was awesome.
Love in AOT
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