Interpersonal Communciations

Jun 10, 2007 21:35

So my work is paying for this course im taking called Medical Office. I do have to attend school, but it's mainly independant study. I do have to attend one class a week wednesday's from 10am to 4pm. And there is a study group every saturday at 10am to 1pm. For some reason I can not focus on Interpersonal Communciations. It's so boring, and commom sense. It's taken me 6 days just to read half of it when it should have taken me a day to read the whole thing. I find myself not even reading and just staring at it. It's just so boring! Thank goodness it isnt due till this wednesday. We have 2 weeks to get 6 mods done. Which is good, I got the first 5 done in a week, and its just this interpersonal boring communciation, thats taking me so long. My shipment for the next 2 mods come sometime this week. According to the outlines these 2 mods are going to be hard. And it's going to be long nights, and time consuming. Most people think independant study is easy, but it isn't. It's friggin hard, you dont have a teacher to answer your questions. You can call an instructor, but your on hold for like 20 to 30 minutes. I cant so impatient and I become very bitchy and sometimes they hang up the friggin phone. Then I got to call and go on hold for another 30 minutes. Anyways i got to get back to my interpersonal communciation shit again. Im hoping to get the rest of this read by tomorrow afternoon so i spend all day monday working on the homework.

Just needed to bitch!!!!!
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