Oct 11, 2006 09:44
I hate children! My supervisor changed my job to the south end cuz the boys are wild...i understand that she had me going to take them to health center in the am to help travis but she decided to change me to working down there mon - fri because i can handle the kids...but this is just like pissing me off i've worked there two days and have ended up in tears for two days! i have midterms this week and i'm freaking out about one of them and its today and i work have a test work again from 3-4 job coaching and i drive at 445 again i'm not going to get much studying done because of jobs and shit today and now i'm shaking because i'm so pissed off and all i get from mom is they're just trying to push you buttons...WELL NO SHIT! i'm not that stupid i know what they're doing but they don't care here if they are or not just as long as somebody screams and gets them to follow the rules...its like beating them into submission silently with incident reports and cancelling free time activity.