Picspam Wars Day Three: Hands

Sep 23, 2006 08:26

I feel terrible this morning, so I'm probably not as bouncy about the boys as usual, but hopefully a little picspam will give me a nice pick-me-up.

It's Picspam Wars Day Three: Hands, in which we celebrate Tommy's big grabby paws and Mikey's delicate fingers. Or something. *g*

herohunter starts us off with one of the CW's new promos and who can blame her! Those promos are freaking awesome and will totally be making another appearance today!

I come back with adorable!Tommy. He's with the little girl who won the Jet to the Set contest and he's so adorable plus he's wearing his wedding ring, which always makes me happy.

Ash responds with pimp!Mikey! I mean, seriously, what on earth is the boy wearing?

Tommy totally can't figure it out either, so he's got his big paw on his chin.

And we have scruffy!goofball!Mikey, on the CW green carpet, vogueing or something!

So I come back with classy!classic!Tom with his silly hat that makes me so happy. Look at how freaking huge his hand is.

Oooh, so Ash pulls out the big guns! Mikey with his hands on another boy! With bonus scruffy Jensen!

So I answer with Tommy with his hands in his crotch!

She has Michael playing with the ring on his finger!!

And I have a picture that makes me so happy I can't even begin to describe it. His hands kill me.

He's pointing! Probably at Chris!

*g* Baby!Tommy talking! I love how he moves his hands so much when he talks.

OMG Lex totally has decentish security for once! Plus he's fiddling with something!

But who can resist "Get your hands off my man!" Tommy! Plus, have a look at that paw spread on the arm of the couch. *mrowr*

Hee! Silly Mikey. Wait, is he wearing that godawful gold bracelet again? Oh Mikey.

I know the resolution's not great on this one, but I just found it recently, and Tom's totally wearing, like, a class ring or something. Intriguing.

Oooh! Ash makes us all happy with this great one of both of them! See devoted MR staring at his man! Look at the tight clench TW has around his shoulder. Swoon at the RPSness of them!

I come back with classic big-handed Tommy from the early days.

And Ash waves goodbye for today with a lovely scruffy Mikey.

And I finish us off with another of those awesome new promos, with Tommy's sly little grin and his big huge paw gripping that table. *loves*

Aren't our boys lovely?! Picspam Wars are such fun! Keep your eyes out for tomorrow's edition over on herohunter's LJ.
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